工程代写|MSc Introductory Module Assignment: The Responsible Engineer
Group Tasks
- NOW: Decide your project!
Conduct some preliminary research to identify an example of the robotics use in a specific industrial domain from those provided above. This will be your project. You are free to use the example applications listed above applied to the sector of your choice, however more marks will be awarded for originality! Your project choice should be informed from research into related or similar projects under way or being considered internationally at the time (identified using online and/or published sources).
Nominate ONE person in your group who will be responsible for coordinating the group (in terms of meetings between the end of the lecture, the presentation and report hand-in dates) – the “Group Coordinator” – and responsible for contacting Dr. Cooke on behalf of the Group to resolve any issues or enquiries. That person should also be responsible for collating each student’s contribution into the final online presentation AND the report.
PLEASE NOTE – the Group Coordinator is expected to contribute their own research findings to the final presentation and report but is NOT responsible for formatting or designing any PowerPoint presentation or report document. As a group, choose a style or design of PowerPoint at your first meeting and keep to that style or design. Also, keep to the sub-topics of the assignment presentation and report, as described below.
This will help keep the Group Coordinator’s coordination effort to a minimum and will also help the report and presentation assessors.
After you have watched the “Responsible Engineer” video Topics, allocate researcher, author and editor duties to each member of your Group for each topic (see section below: Assignment Presentation and Report Topics).
(especially as so little time is available for this assignment), begin research into the topic you have been allocated. Find relevant examples, guidelines, standards, records of “best practice”, case studies, and so on, on the Web, or in relevant publications, including those described within the main professional engineering institution web pages. Make sure that you make these examples relevant to the project your Group has chosen to investigate. Do NOT present information, either in the PowerPoint slides or in your contribution to the summary report, that is either (i) of a general nature, most importantly, (ii) copied word-for-word from the source research material. PLEASE remember that plagiarism is an unacceptable academic and professional practice and can result in serious disciplinary action. For the researchers in each topic, there is a “research report” template for you to complete for each reference you use so you can report back to the group.
Prepare 1 (NO MORE) PowerPoint slides per topic (total 5 topics) summarising, and, where appropriate,illustrating the key findings of your research and your recommendations and deliver these in a timely fashion to the Group Coordinator. Do NOT leave your contribution to just before the presentation date, as this will place undue stress on the Group Coordinator and may let down the remainder of the Group. Again, if you use illustrations from the Web, please ensure the sources of these are credited on your slides. For instructions onpreparing your online presentation including a narration with each slide, see the end of this document.
Prepare the text and, where appropriate, illustrations and relevant references for the final summary report and deliver these also in a timely fashion to the Group Coordinator. Do NOT leave it to just before the submission deadline. Again, if you use illustrations from the Web, please ensure the sources of these are credited in your contribution to the report.
Before submission to Canvas of the report, the group coordinator should invite the whole group to read the entire report so that individual group members can make suggestions for changes to each section. Remember that there is only one mark awarded for the entire group, so it is in everyone’s interest to suggest changes to every section before submission to maximise your mark.
Assignment Presentation and Report Topics
There are five topics to complete for the presentation and final report. Each group member has one of three roles for each topic:
- Researchers: Searches and Reviews sources of information and completes the Research Reports for every valuable resource, which go in the report appendices.
- Authors: Write the report section based on the information provided by Researchers in the journal club reports for the topic.
- Reviewer/Editor: Checks the section for the topic and makes any changes to improve it.
Introduction: The Group Management and Organisation
Describe your project team and how you have organised yourself making specific references to: How you discovered and utilised your members individual strengths and skills, how you communicated and shared information effectively in the group, how you decided to allocate tasks and monitor group progress, how you optimised and used the available resources, how you supported each other to do your best work.
Topic 1: The Project – Standards and Maturity
Describe the project in terms of the overall technology, the specific example of it you have chosen, and its intended application. Give referenced examples of other similar projects utilising the same technology found during your research, together with summaries of their current state of development. Identify the ISO
standards that could minimise the risks of developing your technology. Because the technology you have selected is emerging, you should conduct a TRL assessment as discussed in the lecture identifying existing (TRL-9) and potentially younger (TRL-1) examples of similar work.
Topic 2: End Users, Usability and Acceptance
Describe the end-users/ target population and their characteristics (ages, knowledge, skills, abilities, attitudes,etc.). What should the future engineering team be aware of when designing the project, you have chosen to research? Remember that, if members the target population may have important requirements, such as physical and mental disabilities, then these will need to be considered, especially if a sample of end users may be used during experiments with, or evaluation of prototypes of the chosen future technology. Considering the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) discussed in lectures highlight how your project can improve user acceptance.
Topic 3: Risk, Health and Safety.
With the emerging technology you have chosen, how will you identify, evaluate and, where possible, quantify risks? What are the specific risks (end user- and society-focused risks); what might the human and infrastructure consequences be of systems failure? What might the legal aspects of failure be? How can these risks be mitigated? Using the established risk analyses tool Hazop, FTA or FMECA given in lectures, conduct a risk analysis of your project to identify risks.
Topic 4: Ethics.
“Engineering professionals work to enhance the wellbeing of society. In doing so they are required to maintain and promote high ethical standards and challenge unethical behaviour” (Engineering Council and Royal Academy of Engineering). The principles of ethics will apply throughout the project you have chosen. The legal consequences of not adhering to a sound and thorough set of clear ethical principles can be severe. Make sure that you make any ethical issues and example you find relevant to your chosen project and summarise your project by conducting an ethics technology assessment (eTA) review as discussed in the lectures.
Topic 5: Sustainability
Your project should consider the wider picture and positively contribute to a sustainable future. Consider how your project will progress one or more United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The progress against each of the identified goals should reference the relevant progress indicators and means-of-implementations. You do not need to show progress against all 17 goals – only the most relevant deemed by your group and justified. Because am emerging technology’s progress against the project goals will be via multiple positive and negative causes, your written description should be complemented by a causal diagram showing how your project progresses what you consider the most important SDG.
Preparing your Report
A report Template is available for download on canvas. You must use this template for your final report submission which should be uploaded in pdf format. The research reports also have a template for downloading to canvas.
Word count
Each topic section should have a word count of no more than 1500 words. This does not include words on in diagrams and tables.
Statement of Contribution
On the front page, you should include a statement of contribution table which will provide the assessor with an indication of which student in your group contributed to each topic.
Preparing your Presentation
There may be some group members remote learning, and some will be on campus. You must therefore prepare your presentation in advance of the face-to-face presentation in week 7 so it can be assessed remotely – either fully or partially – if required.
It is recommended that you use PowerPoint 365 to create your slides, and add the audio narration within
PowerPoint itself. This can be done a slide by slide basis facilitating rerecording. Once your presentation is complete, you should export the 5-minute presentation as a video file for uploading to canvas including narrations. Full instructions on creating audio narrations for slides and timing transitions and exporting your presentation as a video are given here: