数据分析代写 | FIT3152 Data analytics: Assignment 2
Assignment 1 Instruction:
- Video comments: after reviewing the two required videos in Lesson 2 (TED: Kenneth Cukier & Susan Etlinger), please explain:
- TED: Kenneth Cukier: Big data is better data, 2014 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8pHzROP1D-w
- TED: Susan Etlinger: What do we do with all this big data?, 2014 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AWPrOvzzqZk
- What do you learn from each of the videos?
- Which points the speakers mentioned inspired you most? Why?
- 5 visualization examples comments: for each of the 5 visualization examples attached, use what you learned from Data Visualization course or your own knowledge for data visualization to explain:
- What information each visualization is telling us?
- What do you like most in each visualization example? Why?
- Where do you think the visualization can be improved?
- Format: you should save/submit the video comments and 5 visualization examples comments as one PDF file named “YourLastName_Assignment1” under “Assignment 1” .
100 points:
- Video comments (40 points)
- 5 visualization examples comments (55 points)
- Format (5 points)
5 examples:
PowerPoint Presentation (nyu.edu) for assignment 1
Assignment 2 Instruction:
- Import the Global Superstore orders excel dataset (sheet: Orders) used in Lesson3 into Tableau Desktop
- Create at least 4 different new visualsin one page dashboard to show important informationyou think you can get from the dataset.
- The visuals should be different types
- The visuals should not be repeated from the dashboard visuals shown in the required videos
- You should arrange the visuals nicely distributed in the dashboard
- Explain your dashboard:
- What visuals you are creating?
- What does each visual show? What information (patterns, relationships, etc.) can you get from each visual?
- Why you think these visuals are important to show?
- Save the dashboard as aTableau workbookfile called “YourLastName_Assignment2_dashboard” (which I should be able to open it in my Tableau Desktop) and Save the explanation as a PDF file called “YourLastName_Assignment2_explanation”.
附件:For assignment2 Global Superstore Orders 2016.xlsx
100 points:
- Dashboard (60 points)
- Explanation (35 points)
- Save two files (PDF + workbook) as proper names and submit in Assignment 2 (5 points)
Assignment 3 Instruction:
- Open the attached Assignment3 – Music Sales in your Tableau Desktop.
- Follow the instruction inside to create visual sheets and dashboard.
- Save and submit it as a.twbx Tableau Packaged Workbookfile called “YourLastName_Assignment3” (which I should be able to open it in my Tableau Desktop)
100 points:
- Visuals and Dashboard (95 points)
- Save the file (workbook) as proper name and submit in Assignment 3 (5 points)
附件:Assignment3 – Music Sales
PowerPoint Presentation (nyu.edu) for assignment3
Service Scope
.Net|Hadoop|Processing|JS|Ruby|Scala|Rust|Data Mining|数据库|Oracle|Mysql|
Sqlite|IOS|Data Mining|网络编程|多线程编程|Linux编程|操作系统|