数据库代写|Assignment 1: The Entity-Relationship Model
本次加拿大代写是一个数据库相关的assignment 1
A local chain of cinemas has decided that their current information system is not sucient in a modern
world in which online ticket sales are the norm. As the rst step to renew their system, the owner of the
cinema approached a consultant rm that drafted requirements for the new information system. Following
is the high-level description of these requirements.
First, the system will store information about several cinemas. Each cinema has a unique name and an
address. In the past, cinema names have changed (e.g., due to renovations and grant reopenings). Per cinema,
the system will also maintain information per room. Each room has a unique number within the cinema (e.g.,
smaller cinemas have Room one to Room ve). Per room, the system can keep track of the characteristics of
the cinema installation. These characteristics include
1. the screen type (e.g., normal, purpose-built IMAX, digital IMAX) and screen size;
2. the projector type (e.g., analog or digital, resolutions, supported 3D modes, 48FPS, and so on);
3. the sound system (e.g., the number of speakers and the supported sound options such Dolby Atmos,
Dolby Digital, and DTS); and
4. the available accessibility options.
This information is not only available for cinema visitors, but will also be communicated to private parties
that are looking to hire a room (e.g., for a corporate event). Finally, per room the system also needs to know
the exact seat arrangement, as the online system will allow customers to order tickets for specic seats.
Hence, the system keeps track, per room, of each seat and—per seat—its location in the room, the row it is in,
and the seat number (within the row). Furthermore, some seats are standard reserved for disabled people.
Second, the system needs to store information for each screening. Each screening is assigned a single
room and timeslot and the system distinguishes between three types of screenings: normal screenings will
show a single lm and will be oered via normal ticket prices; special screenings can show one-or-more
lms with a special ticket price, e.g., a marathon with a higher ticket price or a classic lm at a reduced ticket
price; and private screenings (as part of hired rooms). For each public screening, the system keeps track
which lms are shown. This lm information is provided by the lm distributors in a standard format: for
now, the system represents this external information via an entity Film with an attribute d. If a screening
will show multiple lms (as part of special screening), then each of these lms will be shown in the same
room and the ticket of the customer assign the same seat during each lm.
Finally, and most importantly, the system will support sales and reservation. Via an (online) sale,
customers can buy one or more tickets for a specic screening and that are assigned a seat on sale. Customers
that do not feel comfortable with paying online can reserve their seats online and buy a ticket for these
reservations at the counter (these reservations will be cancelled 45 minutes before the start of the lm). For
each sale, we keep track of how they are made (online, ticket machine, at the counter) and whether the sale
was related to a reservation. The cinema chain owners plan to analyze this data to see what factors inuence
the willingness of customers to buy and reserve tickets via their online system. Furthermore, we keep track
of the paid price (which can depend on coupons, special actions, payment method, or room and lm options).
The goal of the assignment is to present the above requirements for an information system into an ER (entity
relationship) diagram. To do so, you have to write a report in which you translate the above requirements
into an ER (entity-relationship) diagram. Your submission:
1. must be a PDF le;
2. must include an analysis of the requirements of the information system: which parts of the above
description are important, which parts did you ignore, which constraints did the requirements provide,
which of these constraints did you incorporate in the ER diagram, and which constraints did you
exclude (and motivate why they are excluded);
3. must provide a readable and complete presentation of your ER-diagram (that matches your analysis,
any discrepancies between your analysis and the resulting ER-diagram should be explained); and
4. must have ER-diagrams that are drawn using software (hand-drawn and scanned submissions will not
be graded); big diagrams can be submitted as a separate PDF, PNG, or GIF alongside the report.
Submissions that do not follow the above requirements will get a grade of zero.