数据库代写|Database Systems COSC 2406/2407 Assignment 1


1. Overview

You will use the AWS Linux instance assigned to you and the data from a public source to complete the following tasks:

1. implement in Java a heap file to store the data;
2. implement in Java a query on the data;
3. store and query the data in an Apache Derby relational database that you create, and
4. store and query the data in a MongoDB database that you create.

In the second assignment, you will extend your solution developed in this assignment and conduct further timing
experiments on your AWS Linux instance with indexes.

2. Learning Outcomes

This assessment relates to the following learning outcomes of the course:

• CLO 1: Explain and critique data structures and algorithms used to efficiently store and retrieve information in
database systems,

• CLO 2: Evaluate, critically analyse and compare alternative designs for implementation of database systems,
including data models, file structures, index schemes, and query evaluation, and

• CLO 4: Design, implement and report on significant software components of a database system (such as file
structures and index schemes) according to analysis of requirements and specified constraints.

3. Submission

When you submit work electronically, you agree to the assessment declaration:

Submit on Canvas: Assignments > Assignment 1. You MUST submit:

• a zip file of your code for tasks 1 and 2 (all Java sources files including your git log); and
• your report (a single PDF file) that explains your approach and answers for each task (1, 2 and 3), including
description of any scripts for data pre-processing, queries you used, and output.

Walk-through of your Java code in Week 4 You must undertake a walk-through during a scheduled lab class in week 4
explaining your Java code for Task 1 and answering questions about it. Failing to do this result in a penalty of 10 points.

Late submission:

• After the due time, you will have 7*24 hours to submit your assignment as a late submission. Late submissions
follow the same procedure but will be penalised by 10 points for each (up to) 24 hours being late. For
assignments that are more than 7*24 hours late, zero points will be awarded.

• Tasks (Section 4) in this assignment require you run database systems and timing experiments in a cloud(AWS)
Linux instance. All experiments and database systems must be shut down before you log out of your Linux
instance. Otherwise your instance may run out of memory. Other precautions are provided via
announcements on Canvas. Ignoring such precautions will NOT be grounds for extension to due time.