数据科学代写|Introduction to Data Science Homework 4
1. Consider YAGO Web interfaces that you may use to browse:
a. https://yago-knowledge.org/sparql
b. https://yago-knowledge.org
c. https://yago-knowledge.org/schema
2. Select two object types that you will be working with from the following list
or other types you may find in YAGO:
• Books, Cars, Movies, Location, Universities, Restaurants, Patents,
Cricket players, Jobs, Different medical conditions (such as influenza,
diabetes, other), Cartoon characters, Clothing brands/businesses, Oscar
winning actors and actresses
3. Query YAGO to fetch as many objects of the type you selected.
a. One of the ways to query YAGO is by specific properties for an
object type. For example, for Songs you may notice by browsing
YAGO there are properties such as “lyricist”, “genre”, “composer”.
You can use these properties and fetch Songs. It is advisable to
browse objects from YAGO interface to understand the properties and
then query.
One of the possible SPARQL queries to fetch Songs from
YAGO may look like below. It uses a property “lyricist”.
PREFIX vcard:<http://schema.org/lyricist>
{ ?y vcard: ?g }
However, notice this is just an example. It fetches just Songs
having this property, which may or may not be a complete list.
Your task is to design a query that in your opinion provides as
complete dataset as possible. Also, of course, please, do not
select Songs as one of your objects.
b. Execute your SPARQL query on YAGO using the query
interface: https://yago-knowledge.org/sparql
For Songs query above, for example, it will return the following
list of songs (shown a subset below):