移动程序代写|COIT13234 – Mobile Application Development – Design Portfolio
This assessment item relates to the unit learning outcomes:
- Design a mobile application
- Explore the opportunities for incorporating socially innovative features in mobile applications
- Review social, technical and security issues in mobile application development.
For this assessment you are to create and maintain a portfolio of mobile application topics that will cover both design and technology aspects of mobile development.
The assessment requires you to consider a new and novel mobile application having some social benefit for a local council. Once you have researched and identified a problem, complete the tasks below:
a) Identify an issue and propose a novel mobile application to address the problem. The mobile application will connect with the council server to access any information your app needs from their database. The mobile application must be something not currently available or a significant extension of something that is available. You are to describe the problem and the solution (in a general sense as details come later) in a clear and concise manner
b) Discuss the social/economic benefits of the application. What are the points of difference
(advantages/improvements) for your solution over the two best existing solutions in the area?
You will need to look on the app store – don’t forget to reference
c) Design, list and discuss the features of the application. Use a hierarchical feature list to list the features
d) Create a mockup of each of the screens, with layout and navigation, and explain anything that needs clarification. You may use prototyping software for this
e) Research and discuss in detail the security requirements you will need to protect your application and the connection to the server.
You must submit a Microsoft Word design document.
- The design document is to be called portfolio_firstname_lastname.doc
- The document must have a cover page with your name and student ID
- You are required to submit your assignment electronically via the Moodle course website