程序代写|App Project 03



You will be creating an application to help people track bible reading.

The application will do the following:

  1. Allow the user to choose a book of the bible (1 John, 2 John, and 3 John).

You may not add other books.

The string file for 1 John, 2 John, and 3 John can be found here

(https://pcci.instructure.com/courses/26342/files/3797960/download?download_frd=1) .

  1. List for the user the chapters in that book and allow the user to select one chapter. (If there is only one chapter in the book skip this step and go to the next step.)
  1. List for the user the verses in that chapter and allow the user to select one verse.
  2. Show the following items:

Current status of that verse and allow the user to change the status.



Not Read

Text of the verse and do not let the user change this.

Notes: Text the user wants to write next to their verse. (The user should be able to change this.)

  1. You need to design an appropriate Model-View-Controller to handle this application.
  2. You must handle the rotation of the device in this application and remember all the information that has been entered.
  1. You must have four fragments and all data is kept in memory.

(See Dr. Sparks if you have any questions.)

  1. The assignment must implement 3 RecyclerViews.

You will be working in a team of 2 on this assignment. One person is in charge of the Book and Chapter selection (MVC) and the other person is in charge of the Verse selection (MVC) and details.

As a group:

You are to make a Bible Singleton that populates with the needed data for the project.

You are to make a verse details page where people can take notes on a verse. (These notes should be remembered.)

You may collaborate; however, each person should clearly mark their code and any files they were responsible for.

*(Note: All history of who did what is recorded by GitLab.)

Once you have completed the assignment please make a merge request on GitLab.

Each Team Member will submit a message to this assignment with the following pledge with a typed signature:

“This assignment is my original work for CS 335 completed during the fall 2022 semester. I have not copied nor had another person do my work for me on this assignment.”



Book and Chapter

Team 1

Brandon Biernat Joy Kyser

Team 2

James Jing Andre Shiwpal

Team 3

Joel Hunley Lucas Lian

Team 4

Jadon Burchwell Danny Small

Team 5

Jacob George Ivan Flores

Team 6

Daniel Mitchell John Chen

Team 7

Elijah Webb Evan Bellinger




50 pts 20 pts 20 pts 10 pts 0 pts


50 pts

Full Marks

Correct assignment attempted and turned in. The class pledge is present on the document and digital signed by typing the students name. “This assignment is my original work for CS 335 completed during the fall 2022 semester. I have not copied nor had another person do my work for me on this assignment.”

0 pts

No Marks

The correct assignment was not attempted, not submitted, or the pledge was not included.

Correct Results

20 to >10.0 pts

Full Marks

The program always gives and will always give the correct answers.

10 to >0.0 pts

Partial Marks

The program has one logic issue resulting in correct answers sometimes but not always.

0 pts

No Marks

There are two or more logic issues resulting in incorrect issues most or all of the time.


20 to >10.0 pts

Full Marks

The program always uses memory efficiently by using variables and functions when needed and the program avoids unnecessary extra instructions that slows down the CPU.

10 to >0.0 pts

Partial Marks

The program always uses memory inefficiently by using 1-2 more variables then needed, or by not using a function when needed,or has 1-2 unnecessary extra instructions that slows down the CPU.

0 pts

No Marks

The program always uses memory inefficiently by using 3 more variables then needed, or by not using 2 or more functions when needed, or has 3 or more unnecessary extra instructions that slows down the CPU.


10 to >0.0 pts

Full Marks

The program contains comments that clearly identify the purpose of the program and any subroutines. If the program interacts with the user, then proper prompts are provided. All comments and prompts are clear and use proper spelling and grammar.

0 pts

No Marks

The program is missing one or more of the following: 1. A comments that clearly identify the purpose of the program or on any subroutines. 2. If the program interacts with the user, it is missing a proper prompts. 3. A comment or prompt is not clear 4. A comment or prompt does not use proper spelling and/or grammar.


0 pts

Full Marks

Assignment was not late.

-1 pts

No Marks

The assignment was late