程序代写|CVEN30011 Semester 2 2022 – Assignment 3



Task Overview

One limitation of public transport systems is that they usually fail to provide door-to-door services.

In this sense, users are left to find a mode of transport to undertake the first and last leg of their journeys.

As a transport planning consultant, you have been requested to investigate and evaluate the existing transport options that can be used to access the train station that will receive the SRL and to travel locally in your suburb. Based on your findings and knowledge about smart transportation solutions, you are requested to propose strategic and operational projects that can improve the station’s access from different parts of the suburb as well as transport options for local travel. You are also requested to define adequate performance evaluation metrics, identify data needs, and create a data collection plan for your proposed projects.

The investigations should clearly describe the methodology, assumptions, and data sources used.

The proposals should be justified based on references (including but not limited to the subject’s material and readings).

You report should follow the format described in “Report Format”.

Report Format

The cover page of the report should contain your name, student number, suburb name, and word count (excluding the reference list).

The word limit is 2400 words (the reference list does not count toward the limit).

The report should have 5 sections with the following numbered headings and sub-headings:

  1. Existing Transport Options

1.1. Public Bus Level of Service

1.2. Station Access

  1. Transport Demand Analysis
  2. Proposed Changes

3.1. Project 1 – Strategic: [relevant name]

3.1.1. Description and Justification

3.1.2. Implementation and Expected Demand Characteristics

3.1.3. Performance Index

3.1.4. Data Collection Plan

  1. a) Project Development
  2. b) Operation
  3. c) Monitoring

3.2. Project 2 – Operational: [relevant name]

3.2.1. Description and Justification

3.2.2. IoT Architecture Diagram

3.2.3. Performance Index

3.2.4. Data Collection Plan

  1. a) Project Development
  2. b) Operation
  3. c) Monitoring
  4. Expected Impacts and Conclusions
  5. References

Reports that do not adhere to the requested format and that exceed the word limit will be penalised.

Requirements and Indicative Content

This is a project-based assignment and you will decide on the content of each report section based on the objectives described in the task overview. Minimum requirements and suggested content are indicated below:

  1. Transport options
  • Introduce the current transport options available in your study area.


Public bus level of service analysis

  • Spatial coverage: show a map of the bus network in your study area (PTV shapefiles are provided on Canvas) and analyse the spatial coverage of the services and connectivity with the station.
  • Temporal coverage: use service timetables to identify average service frequencies,expected waiting times, and total travel times (waiting + in-vehicle + walk) for four different points of the study area during morning-peak, inter-peak, and night periods.

A suggestion on how to select these four points is available in Appendix A. Your analysis must clearly identify where the points are and how you selected them, and what services, time periods and route directions were used to calculate the frequencies and times and to draw conclusions.


Station access analysis

  • Analyse the station access by different modes using isochrones and your findings in 1.1. Also, identify specific infrastructure elements that may help or hinder access. You can use the isochrones developed in A1 if you find appropriate.
  1. Demand analysis
  • It is required that you use VISTA data (provided on Canvas) for the demand analysis.

Additional data sources, such as data from the ABS or other sources, can also be used but are optional. VISTA data is not available at the SA2 level, so you will need to consider the LGA where your suburb is located, as described in the first page of this brief. Assume that the distributions/proportions observed for the LGAs directly reflect the distributions/proportions observed in your area.

  • Use Pivot Tables to analyse travel characteristics within the LGA (local trips) and between the four LGAs that are part of the SRL East line. Concisely present the distributions (%) of mode choice and trip purposes.
  • Analysing other travel characteristics (such as local trip distance distribution) can also provide relevant information to decide on your project proposals. However, these are not a minimum requirement and should be included only if the relevance is explicitly identified.
  1. Proposed changes
  • Briefly introduce the projects that you are proposing and clearly identify the main objective of each project. While the general goal of both projects is to improve transport options to access the station and travel locally, each project should also have a specific objective aligned with the decision-making perspective. For example, the main objective of Project 1 could be to improve vertical equity from an income and social class perspective or to improve public health by reducing emissions or increasing physical activity. Similarly, Project 2 could have the objective of improving localised pedestrian safety or perceived public transport service reliability.


Project 1 – Strategic

  • This project should be a strategic level intervention involving the implementation of an emerging/shared mobility service and/or a TDM strategy.
  • Describe the project and justify the project choice based on your findings from sections 1 and 2 as well as references (at least two references).
  • Define the spatial and temporal coverage of the project and relate it to your demand expectations. Use a map if appropriate.
  • Create a performance index for the project providing the reasoning when necessary.

“Performance Evaluation is the process of monitoring and analysing how well policies,programs and projects perform regarding their intended goals and objectives.

Performance indicators are specific measurable outcomes used to evaluate progress toward established goals and objectives. A performance index is a set of performance indicators in a framework designed to facilitate analysis.” (TDM Encyclopedia, 2019).

  • Based on the previous sections, identify data needs for planning during the project phase as well as for operation and monitoring in the post-implementation phase.

Identify specific variables that need to be measured and select data collection methods aligned with each objective. You can use a table or diagram to help present and organised the information concisely. Justify your choices for traditional or emerging (using new technologies) data collection methods.


Project 2 – Operational

  • This project should be an operational level intervention either on one component of the existing transport system described in section 1 or as part of Project 1. It should involve the use of intelligent and cooperative technologies (sensing and information and communication technologies) to improve the level of service experienced by users.
  • Describe the project and justify the technology choice based on your findings from sections 1 and 2 as well as references (at least two references).
  • Define the relevant coverage of the project and develop an IoT architecture diagram for the technology implementation containing the relevant elements and relationships.
  • Develop the performance index and data collection plan as described under Project 1.
  1. Expected Impacts and Conclusion
  • Reflect on expected project impacts considering potential (holistic) costs and benefits.

Provide a final recommendation.

  1. References
  • Provide a reference list. Harvard Style is recommended.


A total of 100 points will be possible on this task (which will comprise 60% of your total mark for the subject). Marks will consider the overall submission as well as some individual components as described in the criteria below:

General Criteria (33 points)

  • Production Quality (4)

o Insufficient evidence (0)

o Major deviations form task brief and report format. (1)

o Some deviations from task brief and report format. (2)

o Follows the task brief and report format. References are incomplete or inconsistently formatted. (3)

o Follows the task brief and report format. References are complete and correctly formatted. (4)

  • Communication Clarity (3)

o Insufficient evidence OR strong but not within the word count (0)

o Much clarification needed and within the word limit. (1)

o Some minor clarification needed and within the word limit. (2)

o Communication is clear, strong, and within the word limit. (3)

  • Level of analysis through the principles found in the subject material (8)

o Insufficient evidence of the concepts found in the subject material. (0)

o The report content is primarily descriptive and/or based on opinion. (2)

o The report content includes some level of analysis linked to the subject material but still relies on descriptive or opinion-based conten.t (4)

o The report content is analytical and demonstrates some level of critical thinking but links to subject material are not always evident. (6)

o The report is strongly based on the principles found in the subject material and the content is analytical demonstrating solid comprehension and critical thinking. (8)

  • Concepts are applied to the specific needs of the context (6)

o Insufficient evidence. (0)

o The analysis seems to be generic, rather than referencing the specific suburb

context and objectives. (2)

o The analysis includes some strong reference to the specific suburb context and objectives. (4)

o The analysis strongly relates the key concepts and the specific suburb context and

objectives. (6)

  • Level of comprehension or misunderstanding (6)

o Insufficient evidence or insufficient integration of the subject material. (0)

o There are some noticeable instances of misunderstanding of key principles. (2)

o There are infrequent, minor instances of misunderstanding of key principles. (4)

o There are no instances of misunderstanding of key principles. (6)

  • Creativity and Innovation (6)

o Insufficient evidence. (0)

o Proposed objectives and projects are misaligned leading to generic or below average solutions. (1)

o Proposed objectives and projects are standard and similar to other reports leading to average solutions. (2)

o Proposed objective or projects have some unique aspects that lead to a solution that is better than average. (4)

o Proposed objective and projects are unique leading to outstanding innovative solutions. (6)

Specific Criteria (67 points)

  • Public bus level of service analysis (10)

o Missing (0)

o Minimum requirements are incomplete or incorrect (2)

o Minimum requirements are complete but partially incorrect (5)

o Minimum requirements are complete and correct (8)

o Exceeds minimum requirements (10)

  • Station access analysis (5)

o Missing (0)

o Minimum requirements are incomplete or incorrect (1)

o Minimum requirements are complete but partially incorrect (3)

o Minimum requirements are complete and correct (4)

o Exceeds minimum requirements (5)

  • Transport Demand Analysis (10)

o Missing (0)

o Minimum requirements are incomplete or incorrect (2)

o Minimum requirements are complete but partially incorrect (5)

o Minimum requirements are complete and correct (8)

o Exceeds minimum requirements (10)

  • Proposed Changes (4)

o Missing (0)

o Objectives are unclear or incorrect (2)

o Objectives are clear and correct (4)

  • Project 1 (16)

o Missing (0)

o Minimum requirements are incomplete or incorrect (4)

o Minimum requirements are complete but partially incorrect (8)

o Minimum requirements are complete and correct (12)

o Exceeds minimum requirements (16)

  • Project 2 (16)

o Missing (0)

o Minimum requirements are incomplete or incorrect (4)

o Minimum requirements are complete but partially incorrect (8)

o Minimum requirements are complete and correct (12)

o Exceeds minimum requirements (16)

  • Expected Impacts and Conclusions (6)

o Missing (0)

o Minimum requirements are incomplete or incorrect (1)

o Minimum requirements are complete but partially incorrect (3)

o Minimum requirements are complete and correct (4)

o Exceeds minimum requirements (6)