算法代写|Algo Test Homework 6
Problem 1 (A path that visits all vertices)
Design an algorithm that takes as input a directed acyclic graph and returns true if there is a directed path that visits all vertices, and returns false otherwise.
Problem 2 [DPV] 4.13 (cities and highways)
You are given a set of cities, along with the pattern of highways between them, in the form of an undirected graph G = (V; E). Each stretch of highway e 2 E connects two of the cities, and you know its length in miles, ‘e. You want to get from city s to city t. There’s one problem: your car can only hold enough gas to cover L miles. There are gas stations in each city, but not between cities. Therefore, you can only take a route if every one of its edges has length ‘e ≤ L.
(a) Given the limitation on your car’s fuel tank capacity, show how to determine in linear time whether there is a feasible route from s to t.
(b) You are now planning to buy a new car, and you want to know the minimum fuel tank capacity that is needed to travel from s to t. Give an O((jV j + jEj)logjV j) algorithm to determine this. (Note: to solve part (b) you may modify known algorithms { if you do so, be sure to explain your modifications in detail and how those modifications impact the known run time, if at all.)