计算机架构代写|Computer Architecture EECS 213P Gem5
1 Project Overview and Description
In this project, you will use the gem5 simulator and make yourself familiarized on how to simulate a
processor and explore the factors that affect the performance.
2 Starting with Gem5
2.1 Setup Gem5 or Access Gem5 on Server
Gem5 is the simulator we will use in this project. The Gem5 simulator is a modular platform for
computer architecture related research. Gem5 Wiki is a good source if you want to know more.
2.2 Setup Gem5 on your PC
Steps to install gem5 are generally broken down into two steps: first, install all dependencies; second,
install gem5 itself. Detailed steps can be found in following links:
Setting Up on Ubuntu
1. You must have Ubuntu versions 18.04 or 20.04.
2. Install the dependencies with this command:
$sudo apt install build-essential git m4 scons
zlib1g zlib1g-dev libprotobuf-dev protobuf
compiler libprotoc-dev libgoogle-perftools
dev python3-dev python3-six python
libboost-all-dev pkg-config
$sudo apt install build-essential git m4 scons
zlib1g zlib1g-dev libprotobuf-dev protobuf
compiler libprotoc-dev libgoogle-perftools
dev python3-dev python3-six python-is
python3 libboost-all-dev pkg-config
3. Clone the repository: $git clone https://gem5.googlesource.com/public/gem5
4. $cd gem5
5. Build with scons: $ scons build/X86/gem5.opt -j1
6. Run simulation: $ build/X86/gem5.opt configs/example/se.py –cmd=tests/test
progs/hello/bin/x86/linux/hello –cpu-type=TimingSimpleCPU –l1i_size 16kb —
l1d_size 64kb –caches
Setting Up on Windows 10
1. The easiest way to install Gem5 is to use WSL with Ubuntu version 18.04 or 20.04.
2. If you have an older version (16.04) of Ubuntu, you must upgrade your distro.