算法代写 | CS9668/4438 Internet Algorithmics


Software Testing 2019-20: Practical

Task 1: Finding Bugs with Unit Testing [30 points]

The goal of this task is to apply unit testing to find bugs in st1920.automaton in a black-box fashion, that is, following its functional specification rather than its source code structure.

Functional specification of the system under test. The system under test provides a utility class RegExpMatcher with a single static method that serves as an interface to the entire package:

public static boolean matches(String m, String re)

This method returns true if the string m matches the pattern specified by the regular expression re, and false otherwise. In st1920.automaton, regular expressions are specified by defining and composing patterns using the operations listed in Table 1.

pattern1 | pattern2 matches either pattern1 or pattern2

pattern1 & pattern2 matches both pattern1 and pattern2

pattern1 pattern2 matches pattern1 followed by pattern2

pattern ? matches zero or one occurrence of pattern

pattern * matches zero or more occurrences of pattern

pattern + matches one or more occurrences of pattern

pattern {n} matches n occurrences of pattern

pattern {n,} matches n or more occurrences of pattern

pattern {n,m } matches between n and m occurrences of pattern

~ pattern matches the patterns excluded by pattern

[ charclass1 charclass2 . . . ] matches a character belonging to at least one of char- class1, char-class2 . . .

[^ charclass1 charclass2 . . . ] matches a character not belonging to any of char-class1,

char-class2 . . . (a character class charclass is either a single character c or a character range c1 c2 )

. matches any single character

# does not match anything

@ matches any string

  • string matches the entire string string

    < n m > matches a number between n and m

    Table 1: Regular expression operations in st1920.automaton.

    For example, the following regular expression defines syntactically valid email addresses:


    Note that, for the sake of illustration, this regular expression is made overly simple. For example, it matches the string [email protected] but not [email protected] .

    Patterns within regular expressions can be enclosed in parenthesis to enforce the desired operator precedence. Reserved characters (|&?*+,~^.#@”<>()\) can be used as regular characters by escaping them with backslash (\) or double quotes (“”). Ill- formed regular expressions lead to exceptions of type IllegalArgumentException.

    The syntax and rules to combine the regular expression operators described above are formalized as a BNF grammar here: https://www.brics.dk/automaton/ doc/index.html?dk/brics/automaton/RegExp.html. If you want to learn more about regular expressions and the rich body of theory underlying them, see for example the classic text of Hopcroft et al. “Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation”.

    Target bugs. We have injected 15 different bugs in the st1920.automaton pack- age. The estimated difficulty of finding these bugs ranges from easy (5 bugs), to medium (5 bugs), to hard (5 bugs). All bugs can be triggered using appropriate calls to the matches method in the utility class RegExpMatcher. For clarity, the bugs are numbered and manifest themselves as exceptions triggered with the following error message:

    java.lang.IllegalStateException: Bug <N> found (<DIFFICULTY>).

    where <N> indicates the bug number (from 1 to 15) and <DIFFICULTY> indicates the estimated difficulty of finding the bug.

    Tip: if you run out of ideas to create new test cases, you can try to apply automatic unit test generation using the Randoop tool as described in Task 3.


    • A Java Archive (JAR) file containing a build of the st1920.automaton package with injected bugs (automaton.jar).


    • A file Task1.java with JUnit 4 test cases that trigger the injected bugs.Each test case should trigger one of the IllegalStateException exceptions described above.

      Assessment. This task will be assessed by counting the number of different bugs that are triggered by the test cases in Task1.java, weighted by their level of diffi- culty: easy bugs are worth 1 point, medium bugs are worth 2 points, and hard bugs are worth 3 points.

      Submission. To submit your work you should designate one member of the group as a submitter for the group. The submitter will gather the deliverable for the task and execute this command on a DICE machine:

      submit st cw1 Task1.java

      Task 2: Analyzing Code Coverage [5 points]

      The goal of this task is to measure and analyze the branch coverage of the st1920.automaton code achieved by executing the test cases developed in Task 1. The measurements should exclude coverage of the test cases themselves. The easiest way to achieve this with EclEmma is by placing the test classes under a separate directory, for example test/st1920/automaton.


    • A ZIP file containing the source code of the st1920.automaton package with- out injected bugs (automaton.zip).


    • A file task2.jpg containing a screenshot of the branch coverage report as shown by the coverage measurement tool. Please make sure that the total branch coverage (excluding added test code) is clearly visible in the screenshot.

      Assessment. This task will be assessed by scrutinizing the results reported in


      Submission. To submit your work you should designate one member of the group as a submitter for the group. The submitter will gather the deliverable for the task and execute this command on a DICE machine:

      submit st cw1 task2.jpg

      Task 3: Improving Coverage Manually and Automatically

      [30 points]

      The goal of this task is to improve the branch coverage of the tests developed in Task 1 by introducing additional test cases targeting the matches method. The additional tests (on top of the tests developed in Task 1) should be designed using the Randoop automatic unit test generation tool first (https://randoop.github.io/randoop/), and then completed with manually-generated tests that exercise branches uncovered by Randoop. Remember that the measurements should exclude coverage of the test cases themselves.

      Task 3.1: Improving Coverage Automatically With Randoop

      Randoop takes a Java class and generates test cases with sequences of method and constructor calls. To generate up to N JUnit test cases for the Java class RegExpMatcher in an Eclipse project located under directory $PROJECT DIR, down- load the file https://github.com/randoop/randoop/releases/download/v4.2. 1/randoop-all-4.2.1.jar into a directory $RANDOOP DIR, and run the following command on a terminal:

      java -classpath \

      $RANDOOP_DIR/randoop-all-4.2.1.jar:$PROJECT_DIR/build \ randoop.main.Main gentests –testclass=st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcher \


      If successful, Randoop will output one or more files named RegressionTest*.java

      with the generated test cases.

      Tip: keep in mind that Randoop does not directly create random primitive values, only sequences of method and constructor calls. To create random strings that can be used as arguments to the matches method, you will have to add addi- tional methods to RegExpMatcher that build and combine strings. For example, to generate random regular expression strings, you can add methods such as:

      public static String makeAlpha() { return “a”;


      public static String makeNum() { return “1”;


      public static String makeConcatenation(String l, String r) { return l + r;


      Randoop will then generate tests that create random strings by combining calls to the above methods, for example (simplified and structured for clarity):


      public void testRandoop() {

      String s1 = makeAlpha(); // “a”

      String s2 = makeNum(); // “1” String s3 = makeConcatenation(s1, s2); // “a1” String s4 = makeAlpha(); // “a”

      String s5 = makeAlpha(); // “a” String s6 = makeConcatenation(s3, s4); // “a1a” String s7 = makeConcatenation(s6, s5); // “a1aa”

      String s8 = makeAlpha() // “a”

      String s9 = makeNum() // “1” String s10 = makeConcatenation(s8, s9); // “a1”

      assertFalse(RegExpMatcher.matches(s7, s10));


      Note that, whenever possible, Randoop might evaluate sequences of method calls to generate more concise test cases, such as:


      public void testRandoop() { assertFalse(RegExpMatcher.matches(“a1aa”, “aa”));


      Tip: if you want to generate strings differently for each of the arguments of

      matches, you can create a wrapper method

      public static boolean matches(MatchString m, REString re)

      Then, you can create wrapper classes MatchString and REString, and define dif- ferent building and combination operations for each of these classes.

      Task 3.2: Improving Coverage Manually

      After generating test cases with Randoop, the branch coverage should have im- proved noticeably. Still, some branches in the st1920.automaton package might remain unexplored. By manually identifying execution paths that cover the unex- plored branches and corresponding test cases, it is often possible to improve branch coverage.

      Keep in mind that 100% coverage is not achievable, as some code in the package is simplify unreachable from the matches method.


    • A ZIP file containing the source code of the st1920.automaton package with- out injected bugs (automaton.zip).


    • A file Task3 1.java with the test cases generated by Randoop.
    • A file Task3 2.java with the test cases generated manually to improve the coverage of Randoop’s test cases.
    • A file Task3 all.java with all test cases in Task1.java, Task3 1.java, and

      Task3 2.java.

    • A file task3.jpg containing a screenshot of the branch coverage report after executing the test cases in Task3 all.java. Please make sure that the total branch coverage (excluding added test code) is clearly visible in the screenshot.
    • A file task3.txt with a brief reflection, organized as a list of bullet points, of advantages and disadvantages of using Randoop in the context of this task.Assessment. This task will be assessed based on the branch coverage achieved by the submitted test cases (excluding coverage of the test code itself); and the consistency and clarity of the reflection in task3.txt. Keep in mind that 100% coverage is not achievable due to code unreachability.

      Submission. To submit your work you should designate one member of the group as a submitter for the group. The submitter will gather all the deliverables for the task and execute this command on a DICE machine:

      submit st cw1 Task3_1.java Task3_2.java Task3_all.java task3.jpg task3.txt

      Task 4: Adding Functionality with Test-Driven Development

      [35 points]

      The goal of this task is to extend the functionality of st1920.automaton using a test-driven development approach. You will extend the regular expression language provided in the package with a new end-of-line operator $ matching any of the following character sequences:

    • \n (Unix)

    • \r\n (Windows)

    • \r (Classic Mac OS)

      The new operator should not match any other character sequence than these three ones. In terms of the original specification, this task extends the operators listed in Table 1 as shown in Table 2.

      pattern1 | pattern2 matches either pattern1 or pattern2 pattern1 & pattern2 matches both pattern1 and pattern2

      . . .

      < n m > matches a number between n and m

      $ matches an end-of-line character sequence

      Table 2: Regular expression operations extended with end-of-line operator.

      In the formal BNF grammar (https://www.brics.dk/automaton/doc/index. html?dk/brics/automaton/RegExp.html), the end-of-line operator $ is a new type of simple expression (simpleexp):

      simpleexp ::= charexp

      | . (any single character)

      | # (the empty language) [OPTIONAL]

      | <n-m> (numerical interval) [OPTIONAL]

      | $ (end-of-line character sequence)

      As an example, after adding support for the end-of-line operator, the string

      a\naaa\r\n should match the regular expression (a+$)+ .

      This additional functionality can be developed entirely within the RegExp class (and possibly also the Automaton class, depending on the implementation strategy).


    • A ZIP file containing the source code of the st1920.automaton package with- out injected bugs (automaton.zip).