C++代写|Foundations of C++ – Treasure Caverns of Doom
Assignment Submissions
This project will be submitted in two parts. Both parts of the assessment are equally important for the successful completion of your project, so it is essential that you understand the requirements of both parts before you start.
You may complete the tasks in your preferred IDE; however you MUST create a Visual Studio (Code) project in order to submit. Your project folder must be identified by using your name and assignment number with the entire folder zipped into a single zip file for submission.
Assignment 2 :: Treasure Caverns of Doom (Part A: Prototype and Documentation)
Due Date: Sunday of Week 8
Marks: This assignment will be marked out of 100 points.
Weighting: 20% of your final mark for the unit.
This assignment is the first part of a larger project, which you will complete in Assignment 3. This task consists of your project documentation and an initial prototype. The documentation must include a flowchart and all
UML class diagrams of your programme and a test plan for your final project.
The prototype must include the application class (Main) and the following four base classes:
Player: stores data about the player such as their name, health, inventory, etc.
Monster: stores data about the cavern’s minions and the boss monster (inheritance applies here)
Location: stores data about a location such as its description, available exits, other things here, etc.
Item: stores data about the different items found in the caverns such as the artefacts, gold, potions, etc.
The Main class, for this part of the project, just focuses on the testing of each of your classes – similar to the way you tested the different classes in the studios from Week 6 onwards.
The purpose of this assignment is to get you comfortable with planning and developing a C++ programming project which you will complete for Assignment 4. The task is detailed later in this assignment specification,as are the specific marks allocation.
Assignment 4 :: Treasure Caverns of Doom (Part B: Full Project Implementation)
Due Date: Monday of Week 14
Marks: This assignment will be marked out of 100 points.
Weighting: 35% of your final mark for the unit.
This assignment consists of the final implementation of your project, as outlined in your Project Documentation and prototype submitted in Assignment 2.
Your project must follow your project plan and must be submitted as a Visual Studio (Code) project, including all header and cpp files, and any appropriate text files to ensure the program compiles and runs.
This assignment consists of one Application file (Main) and all associated custom Class files. The purpose of this assignment is to get you comfortable with designing and implementing basic multi-class C++ programs.
The task is detailed later in this assignment specification, as are the specific marks allocation.
NOTE! Your submitted files must be correctly identified and submitted (as described above). Any submission that does not comply will receive and automatic 10% penalty (applied after marking).
NOTE! Your submitted program MUST compile and run. Any submission that does not compile will automatically be awarded a ZERO. This means it is your responsibility to continually compile and test your code as you build it.
Submission Instructions:
This project will be submitted in two parts:
Assignment 2 – Part A: consists of your project documentation and a test prototype.
This document will include an outline of your program structure as a flowchart and UML Class diagrams.
The assignment documentation must be created as a single Word or PDF document. This document must clearly identify both your Name and Student ID to facilitate ease of assessment and feedback.
Your document and zip file MUST be named as follows:
“A2-YourFirstNameLastName.docx” or “A2-YourFirstNameLastName.pdf”
Your document must be submitted inside your zipped project file via the Moodle assignment submission page.
Your document should contain the project flowchart and the clearly identified UML diagrams of all your proposed Classes. You can use the Insert > Table option in Word to create the UML diagrams or you can use any other software, provided that the diagrams are included as legible images in your submitted document.
Your project prototype must be submitted as a Visual Studio (Code) project, including all header and definition files, and any appropriate text files to ensure the program compiles and runs. Your project folder must be identified by using your name and assignment number, such as YourNameA2.
The entire project folder must then be zipped up into one zip file for submission and MUST be named “A2-
YourFirstNameLastName.zip”. This zip file must be submitted via the Moodle assignment submission page.
Explicit assessment criteria are provided, however please note you will also be assessed on the following broad criteria:
Details of a proposed project plan for the overall project.
Creating accurate and complete UML diagrams.
Applying a solid Object-Oriented Design (OOD) for the overall project.
Using appropriate naming conventions, following the unit Programming Style Guide.
Assignment 4 – Part B: consists of a reflection document and your final implementation of your game project.
This document will contain a 500-1000 word written reflection of your object-oriented design and how well you believe it was implemented.
The assignment documentation must be created as a single Word or PDF document. This document must clearly identify both your Name and Student ID to facilitate ease of assessment and feedback.
Your document and zip file MUST be named as follows:
“A4-YourFirstNameLastName.docx” or “A4-YourFirstNameLastName.pdf”
Your final project must follow your previous project documentation and be submitted as a Visual Studio project,including all header and definition files, and any appropriate text files to ensure the program compiles and runs. Your project folder must be identified by using your name and assignment number (eg: YourNameA4)
The entire project folder must then be zipped up into one zip file for submission and MUST be named “A4-
YourFirstNameLastName.zip”. This zip file must be submitted via the Moodle assignment submission page.
Explicit assessment criteria are provided, however please note you will also be assessed on the following broad criteria:
Meeting functional requirements as described in the assignment description.
Demonstrating a solid understanding of C++ concepts, including good practice.
Demonstrating an understanding of specific C++ concepts relating to the assignment tasks, including OO design, the implementation and appropriate use of pointers, inheritance and polymorphism.
Following the unit Programming Style Guide.
A reasonably well-designed user interface displaying relevant details and appropriate feedback.
Creating solutions that are as efficient and extensible as possible.
Reflecting on the appropriateness of your implemented design and meeting functional requirements as described in the assignment description.
Please ask your tutor for clarification of any aspects of the assessments you do not understand as soon as possible because this project (both parts) is worth 55% of your overall marks.
Assignment 2: Treasure Caverns of Doom (Part A)
In this assignment, you are to design an action adventure game, where your hero character will set out to find and collect ancient artefacts hidden in a complex of caverns. You must use your powers of observation and stealth to defeat the minions that guard the treasures that you must collect which are scattered throughout the caverns!
For Part A of the assignment you will focus on documenting and prototyping the project with the four base classes required demonstrating your class design and basic testing to ensure the classes are ready for your final game implementation. In Part B you will focus on developing the game setup and player interactivity demonstrating the implementation of the game interface design and the more complex aspects of the player’s interactions within the game environment.
While enjoying the spoils of your latest adventure in the village tavern, a cagey old man approaches you and asks you this simple question: “Do you want to earn a lot of money for very little effort?”
Of course, your interest is piqued, “And how would I do that old man?”
“Simply go to the Treasure Caverns of Doom and retrieve the 5 artefacts hidden there by the great Wizard Balthazar many centuries ago. I have found a map to the location of the caverns, but my age prevents me from retrieving them myself. I will give you the map if I have your vow that you will return the artefacts to me. You may keep any other gold and treasures you find.”
You ask the man for more information about the caverns, discovering that the treasures are guarded by an assortment of monsters (one of which is rumoured to be a dragon), supposedly bound by Balthazar to guard the caverns until his return. Intrigued and ready for another adventure you agree to the old man’s terms, take the map, collect your gear and set out to find the Treasure Caverns of Doom …