CS代写|INFO-3135 – Fall 2022 MIDTERM EXAM



Your implementation will use ch14_ex1_sol.zip as your baseline application. This implementation modifies the Product Catalog only. Complete your solution using any IDE or editor. Make sure your code is complete and functional. Package your implementation (entire application) in a zip or rar container and submitted before the deadline. The requirements to be implemented are listed below:

  1. Use PHP to create a breadcrumb navigation right under the title: ” My Guitar Shop” (4 marks)


Breadcrumbs. A new item per subcategory.

Every item is an independent hyperlink.

  1. In product_list.php modify the list of items and make it a 3-column list with thumbnails and a checkbox called compare (You need to add a checkbox as part of every product display). Add a compare button that allows comparison of 2 items at a time. Place the compare button at the end of the list (matrix). Use the image below for reference. (7 marks)3. Program your comparison routine as follows (9 marks):
  • The compare button activates when two items have been selected only. (Optional)
  • The system will produce an error message when more than 2 items are selected, and the comparison will not be performed.
  • When the comparison is triggered, you will display all the features of the products side by side.