程序代写|Software Quality Assurance & Testing CA3 35%

这是一篇关于创建5 个和Web驱动程序相关测试的程序代写


Part 1 – User Acceptance Test (UAT) Plans  30 Marks

User Acceptance Test Plans

  • Step One is to manually visit and explore the web site of your choice.
  1. Explore it’s features (For example log in / search).
  • Using Azure DevOps, create a Project called CA3.
  • Inside your CA3 project, create a Test Plan called CA3_Test_Plan
  • In here you need to design and create in DETAIL TEN test cases for different features on your website. For example:
  1. Valid Login (you can remove your real user name and password from the test case,replacing them with dummy values BEFORE uploading)
  1. Use Search feature and search for terms specific to the content on your website,ensure you verify text on some of the result(s) returned.
  • In each of the test cases, you are required to include:
  1. One assert Title test
  2. Two verify Text tests
  • Manually walk through each test case and it’s steps on the website first and ensure each of these tests passes manually and you have your steps correct.

Please ensure:

You initialize an Azure Repo in your DevOps CA3 project to store and push the test scripts/files that you create in Part 2 and Part 3 to.

  1. You will initially need to clone this down locally to your PC
  1. You need to create two folders inside it:
  2. UAT_SeleniumIDE
  3. Ensure your Selenium IDE .side files are stored in here.
  4. UAT_WebDriver
  5. Ensure your Selenium WebDriver .py files are stored in here.
  6. Ensure you commit regularly and push your changed up to your Remote Repo

Part 2 – Automate UAT Plans using Selenium IDE  35 Marks

Automated Test Cases

  • Select five of your test cases you designed in Part 1. For each of these test cases in Selenium IDE, record the screen flflow to automate each test use-case.
  • Remember, in each test case of the screen flflow you are required to include:
  1. One assert Title test
  2. Two verify Text tests
  • When complete, save your Selenium project (.side file) and add them into your cloned down project folder in a folder called CA3\UAT_SeleniumIDE

Part 3 – Automate UAT Plans using Selenium WebDriver  35 Marks

Automated Test Cases

  • Select the remaining five test cases you designed in Part 1. For each of these test cases designed and planned in Part 1 – in Selenium IDE, this time create a Python UAT using Selenium WebDriver to automated each test use-case.
  • Remember, in each test case you are required to include:
  1. One assert Title test
  2. Two verify Text tests
  • Your Selenium WebDriver python files need to be saved into your cloned down project folder in \CA3\UAT_WebDriver


  1. Ensure I am invited to your DevOps Azure CA3 project
  2. Karen.Nolan@TUDublin.ie
  3. Upload to Moodle under CA3 Upload:
  4. Zip and upload your local CA3 project folder/git repository – this should contain your.side file and your .py files
  5. The URL to your DevOps CA3 Project