程序代写|Software Quality Assurance & Testing CA3 35%
这是一篇关于创建5 个和Web驱动程序相关测试的程序代写
Part 1 – User Acceptance Test (UAT) Plans 30 Marks
User Acceptance Test Plans
- Step One is to manually visit and explore the web site of your choice.
- Explore it’s features (For example log in / search).
- Using Azure DevOps, create a Project called CA3.
- Inside your CA3 project, create a Test Plan called CA3_Test_Plan
- In here you need to design and create in DETAIL TEN test cases for different features on your website. For example:
- Valid Login (you can remove your real user name and password from the test case,replacing them with dummy values BEFORE uploading)
- Use Search feature and search for terms specific to the content on your website,ensure you verify text on some of the result(s) returned.
- In each of the test cases, you are required to include:
- One assert Title test
- Two verify Text tests
- Manually walk through each test case and it’s steps on the website first and ensure each of these tests passes manually and you have your steps correct.
Please ensure:
You initialize an Azure Repo in your DevOps CA3 project to store and push the test scripts/files that you create in Part 2 and Part 3 to.
- You will initially need to clone this down locally to your PC
- You need to create two folders inside it:
- UAT_SeleniumIDE
- Ensure your Selenium IDE .side files are stored in here.
- UAT_WebDriver
- Ensure your Selenium WebDriver .py files are stored in here.
- Ensure you commit regularly and push your changed up to your Remote Repo
Part 2 – Automate UAT Plans using Selenium IDE 35 Marks
Automated Test Cases
- Select five of your test cases you designed in Part 1. For each of these test cases in Selenium IDE, record the screen flflow to automate each test use-case.
- Remember, in each test case of the screen flflow you are required to include:
- One assert Title test
- Two verify Text tests
- When complete, save your Selenium project (.side file) and add them into your cloned down project folder in a folder called CA3\UAT_SeleniumIDE
Part 3 – Automate UAT Plans using Selenium WebDriver 35 Marks
Automated Test Cases
- Select the remaining five test cases you designed in Part 1. For each of these test cases designed and planned in Part 1 – in Selenium IDE, this time create a Python UAT using Selenium WebDriver to automated each test use-case.
- Remember, in each test case you are required to include:
- One assert Title test
- Two verify Text tests
- Your Selenium WebDriver python files need to be saved into your cloned down project folder in \CA3\UAT_WebDriver
- Ensure I am invited to your DevOps Azure CA3 project
- Karen.Nolan@TUDublin.ie
- Upload to Moodle under CA3 Upload:
- Zip and upload your local CA3 project folder/git repository – this should contain your.side file and your .py files
- The URL to your DevOps CA3 Project
Service Scope
.Net|Hadoop|Processing|JS|Ruby|Scala|Rust|Data Mining|数据库|Oracle|Mysql|
Sqlite|IOS|Data Mining|网络编程|多线程编程|Linux编程|操作系统|