计算机代写|COMP5048 Visual Analytics 2023S1 Assignment 1: Individual Work



Category A:

For this category, visualise the data using any tool from the following:

Tulip, D3

A1: Best-selling albums of 2000s

  • Visualise the whole tree using TWO different layouts.
  • Select one label from the data, e.g., could be the most popular label or your favourite, and extract the subtree rooted at the label.
  • Visualise the subtree rooted at the selected label.

A2: Best-selling singles of 2000s

  • Visualise the whole tree using TWO different layouts.
  • Select one genre from the data, e.g., could be the most popular genre or your favourite, and extract the subtree rooted at the genre.
  • Visualise the subtree rooted at the selected genre.

Category B:

For this category, visualise the data using any tool from the following:

yEd, Tulip, Gephi, NetworkX

B1: Composers graph

  • Analyse the graph to identify the top 150 composers and extract the induced subgraph containing the top composers.
  • Visualise the subgraph using TWO different layouts.
  • Analyse the subgraph using graph analysis methods to identify the most influential composers and display the analysis results in the visualisation.

B2: TVCG collaboration graph

  • Analyse the graph to identify the top 150 collaborators and extract the induced subgraph containing the top collaborators.
  • Visualise the subgraph using TWO different layouts.
  • Analyse the subgraph using graph analysis methods to identify the most influential collaborators and display the analysis results in the visualisation.

Category C:

For this category, visualise the data using any tool from the following:

yEd, Tulip, Graphviz

C1: Movie remakes

  • Analyse the graph to identify the influential directors and movies.
  • Visualise the graph using TWO different layouts.
  • Display the analysis results in the visualisation.

C2: Hrafnkels Saga

  • Analyse the graph to identify the influential characters and relationships.
  • Visualise the graph using TWO different layouts.
  • Display the analysis results in the visualisation.

Category D:

For this category, visualise the data using any tool from the following:

yEd, Tulip, Gephi, NetworkX, D3

D1: “INFECTIOUS” exhibition interaction network

  • Analyse the graph to identify the important people and interactions, both in each time slice and over all time slices.
  • Visualise the graph, showing all time slices of the graph, using TWO different methods.
  • Display the analysis results in the visualisation.

D2: Workplace contacts graph

  • Analyse the graph to identify the important people and interactions, both in each time slice and over all time slices.
  • Visualise the graph, showing all time slices of the graph, using TWO different methods.
  • Display the analysis results in the visualisation.

Submission: Minimum 16 – page report

Minimum 4 pages per data:

  • 1st page: 1st Visualisation
  • 2nd page: 2nd Visualisation
  • 3rd-4th pages: Description with the following subheadings:

◦ Design: tools and layouts with justification (design choice)

◦ Analysis: explain analysis methods used with justification on how they support the task

◦ Evaluation: comparison of pros and cons between the two visualisations

◦ Acknowledge all your sources in References

◦ Provide code, if applicable, in Appendix

◦ In Appendix, you can include one more visualisation for each data:

▪ Should be substantially different using different techniques

▪ Include description as above for each alternative visualisation

▪ Add comparison between different visualisations of the same data