数据库分析与设计代写 | INF60009 Task 5 – Pass and Credit



• In this final set of P and C tasks for the unit you’re going to do further activities on ERDs, and SQL.

• For submission, it’s same process as the other the other tasks: complete tasks, document them
(usually by creating screen grabs) and submit online.

• To get started, download the files T05P.DOCX and T05C.DOCX from Canvas

• Please note, ALL tasks in each section MUST be completed for you to successfully complete the
Pass and/or the Credit Task.

• When complete, generate the files T05P.PDF and T05C.PDF

• Finally log into Doubtfire and submit both files into the appropriate weekly tasks.

Pass Level Tasks

Pass 5a

Read the following narrative:

Pete’s Pools have a number of swimming centres. Each centre has a name, establishment
date, and a description. Clients (who have an ID and name) can join one or more of these
swimming centres. As a client joins a centre, the date that the client joined is to be recorded.

• Draw an ERD based on this case study. Fully expand all M:M relationships into M:1 relationships.

Do not introduce any surrogate keys. The ERD may be neatly hand drawn or can be created in a
package such as Visio or draw.io. The symbols in the ERD must conform to the symbols used
throughout all ERD lectures this semester. Clearly indicate strong and/or weak entities, all
identifiers and all relationship names.

• Scan, Photograph or take a screenshot of the ERD and place it in the document named

Pass 5b

• Convert the ERD that you created in Pass 5a into a Relational Schema.

• Copy and paste the relational schema and place it in the document named T05P.DOCX

Pass 5c

• Using the Relational Schema you created in Pass 5b write the DDL Create Table statements for each

• Copy and paste the code into the document named T05P.DOCX

Pass 5d

• Explain what is meant by Normalisation.

• Paste your answer into the document named T05P.DOCX

Pass 5e

• The table below is unnormalised. Replace the table by data presented in 1NF.