Java代写 | Analysis Design and Implementation Assignment Animal Weight Tracker

本次中国香港作业是一个Java GUI动物体重检测系统开发的Java代写assignment


During the Covid-19 pandemic animal welfare groups have noticed that animals in care settings such as zoo’s, sanctuaries, open farms etc. have been steadily gaining weight. Monitoring the weight of animals can be difficult, but it is made easier by tracking their progress. Studies show that by keeping a daily record of calorific intake and minutes spent exercising, can help explain patterns of fluctuating weight. By charting the calorific intake and minutes spent exercising against a daily record of weigh-ins can help maintain weight control over a sustained period. However, doing this requires a considerable amount of day to day book-keeping.

A local animal welfare group has contacted you to see if you would be able to design and implement a system capable of tracking this information and providing useful analysis for staff.

You will need to conduct research into your nearest animal care setting and look at what animals are housed there. Once you have found your setting you can specialise in THREE

  • species and produce statistics for a male and female of each species. You will need to conduct research on each animal’s habitat and their eating/living

The following functionality is required to allow staff:

  • To enter/modify/delete a species, name, gender and age that is stored for the animal throughout the course of the
  • To enter/modify/delete a name and calorie value for each meal the animal When staff have entered a meal, it should be stored in the system so that if it is entered again there is no need to provide the calorie information. Meals should also allow for a portion size in grams to be recorded.
    • As part of this, the application will calculate a ‘calories per gram’ number that is used to work out how many calories a meal contained purely on the basis of portion
  • To enter/modify/delete a type of exercise, and the number of minutes the animal undertook that exercise. This too should come with a calorific
    • The application will calculate a ‘calories burned per minute’ value which is then used to calculate calorie burn after the first entry has been
  • To enter/modify/delete a weight reading at two points in the day – morning and evening.
    • The weight for the day is the average of the values that have been entered. If no value is entered for the day, it is the average between the last and the next values
  • To enter/modify/delete a waist measurement at two points in the day – morning and evening.
    • As with the weight, the waist measurement for the day is the average of the two values that were entered. If no value is entered for the day, it is the average between the last and next values
  • To set an average activity level for the day, which is set between inactive, moderately active, and

Staff can also ask for an analysis of their animals’ progress over a set period of time, which should be provided in the following forms:

  • Calculation of average weight loss or gain during the period. This can be done by checking the current day’s weight against the last day’s and summing together each daily
  • The amount of weight change since the beginning of the recorded
  • A line graph of daily recorded weights, along with a trend line.
  • Values of caloric intake for the day, the caloric burn for the day, and the difference between them on daily
  • An estimate of the calorie intake required to maintain the day’s weight. For male animals, this is calculated as 8x the weight in kilograms (kgs) for an inactive day, 10x the weight in kilograms (kgs) for moderately active, and 12x the weight in kilograms (kgs) for active. For female animals, the values are 6x, 8x and 10x

The system should Implement the GUI that permits the editing and reading of all contributions.

Task 1 – 20 Marks

Candidate class list and Diagrams

Identify a list of Candidate classes. You should provide a justification why each class was selected for inclusion, and how its relationship to other classes was derived.

Draw a Class diagram to represent the system structure.

The class diagram should be drawn with a suitable CASE tool and show attributes, operations, scope and relationship of classes to each other. The use of abstract classes and sub-classes (where appropriate) will attract additional marks.

The class diagram should include attributes and operations for all classes and show the correct relationships between classes and their multiplicity.

Task 2 – 20 Marks Activity diagram

Draw an activity diagram to show the classes involved when a member of staff wants to generate a review of an animals’ caloric deficit within a specific period of time. Here, neatness of the flow of logic is important.

Your diagram should clearly show which classes have the responsibility for each of the elements of functionality

Task 3 – 10 Marks Use case diagrams

Draw a Use-Case Diagram to capture the requirements listed above.

Task 4 – 15 Marks Code architecture

The code architecture should show an appropriate level of coupling and cohesion, along with the necessary amount of inheritance and encapsulation to express the system. The code should appropriately handle input, output.