Java代写 | PROG 1400 – Assignment 3 OOP and GUI


PROG 1400 – Assignment 3


Program Requirements

Use Java and Java Swing to create a simple graphical role-playing game, including an opening splash screen, a simple character creation screen and a battle summary screen.

Screen Descriptions

The splash screen will have a title, and image and a button to progress to the creation screen.

The character creation screen will allow the user to enter a character name, choose a character type (ex. Warrior, Wizard, etc.), randomly reroll the character stats, and select a weapon (ex. Sword, Dagger, etc.). It will also have a button to progress to the battle summary screen.

The battle summary screen will display the selected character’s name, class and image, randomly select a monster, then display all stats for both the player and the selected monster.

Program Structure

Your program must use inherited classes for the program Frame and each of the three screens (as Panels), as well as for the different characters, character types, weapons and monsters.

Each of your classes should make proper use of constructors, getter and setter methods, as well as any standard methods you deem necessary.

Your solution should also include at least one example of an abstract class and at least one abstract method. Examples of static properties or methods should also be included.

While it is good practice to validate all user-entered data in any program, it is not required in this program.


Sample Screenshots


Splash Screen

Character Creation Screen – At Start


Character Creation Screen – After Creating a Character

Battle Summary Screen


RPG Character Creation Name: _______________________________
Criteria Insufficient (0 pts) Needs Improvement (1-2 pts) Sufficient (3-4 pts) Excellent (5 pts) Mark X
Class Diagram Submission missing entirely, or it contains too many issues and/or omissions. An effort was made, but submission has multiple issues, major issues, or omissions. A good effort, but submission has a few issues and/or areas for improvement. Submission demonstrates a strong understanding of class diagram concepts, meets all requirements and fully covers the expected scope of the program. Proper UML notation is used throughout. Displays a high level of analysis, planning and attention to detail. Submission is well-formatted, proofread and presentable.  


Program Requirements Missing entirely, or it contains too many issues and/or omissions. An effort was made, but has multiple issues, major problems, or omissions. A good effort, but has a few issues and/or areas requiring improvement Program works as expected, with all required functionality, and runs without errors.
UI Missing entirely, or it contains too many issues and/or omissions. An effort was made, but has multiple issues, major problems, or omissions. A good effort, but has a few issues and/or areas requiring improvement The user interface is properly structured, functional, appropriate and easy to use. Layout is clean and well-formatted.
Inheritance Missing entirely, or it contains too many issues and/or omissions. An effort was made, but has multiple issues, major problems, or omissions. A good effort, but has a few issues and/or areas requiring improvement Program includes example(s) of inheritance, and implementation demonstrates a strong conceptual understanding. x2
Aggregation Missing entirely, or it contains too many issues and/or omissions. An effort was made, but has multiple issues, major problems, or omissions. A good effort, but has a few issues and/or areas requiring improvement Program includes example(s) of aggregation, and implementation demonstrates a strong conceptual understanding.
Abstraction – Classes & Methods Missing entirely, or it contains too many issues and/or omissions. An effort was made, but has multiple issues, major problems, or omissions. A good effort, but has a few issues and/or areas requiring improvement Program includes example(s) of abstracted classes/methods, and implementation demonstrates a strong conceptual understanding.
Constructors Missing entirely, or it contains too many issues and/or omissions. An effort was made, but has multiple issues, major problems, or omissions. A good effort, but has a few issues and/or areas requiring improvement Program includes a multi-parameter constructor to populate at least some of the properties of a game character object using data taken from the user interface at runtime. Use of class constructors demonstrate a strong conceptual understanding.
Class Interactivity Missing entirely, or it contains too many issues and/or omissions. An effort was made, but has multiple issues, major problems, or omissions. A good effort, but has a few issues and/or areas requiring improvement Classes interact using appropriate techniques, through getter/setter/standard methods, using static properties where appropriate.
Code Efficiency Missing entirely, or it contains too many issues and/or omissions. An effort was made, but has multiple issues, major problems, or omissions. A good effort, but has a few issues and/or areas requiring improvement Program demonstrates reasonable code efficiency. (e.g. large segments of code that could be shorter, unnecessary code duplication, code not encapsulated in functions, etc.)
Comments & Best Coding Practices

(At least 60% of the reqs must be complete)

Little to no effort was made or contains too many errors / omissions. A reasonable effort was made, but there are multiple areas for improvement. A good effort was made, but at least one error or omission exists. Organizational or explanatory comments are used extensively, most are meaningful and easily understood. A consistent naming convention was used for most of the program and deviated very little. Source code was clean, consistently well-formatted and easy to read.
Total: /60