Java代写 | CS–671 Programming Assignment #5


Programming Assignment #5
• java.lang.Thread and java.lang.Runnable.
• scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext, scala.concurrent.Future and scala.concurrent.Promise.
• scala.AnyRef.synchronized.
Furthermore, synchronization among threads must be done properly:
• No busy waiting (spinning).
• No carefully adjusted calls to Thread.sleep.
Instead, suitable blocking operations must be used. The only blocking operations needed in this assignment
• entry into a synchronized method;
• Semaphore.acquire (to implement Dispatcher);
• scala.concurrent.Await (for the GrepApp application).
Thread.sleep (and even sometimes busy waiting) can only be used when testing and debugging.
2 Work dispatcher class
The main component of the parallel package is the Dispatcher class (Lis. 1). A dispatcher is created with
a series of work units of type A, obtained from an iterator. Worker threads call method next to obtain units of
work. When all the work units have been dispatched, this method returns None. Each work unit is expected to
produce a single result of type B. For each work unit they process, worker threads should call method report
exactly once with the result. This method returns true when the last report is received.
class Dispatcher[A, B](values: Iterator[A], bound: Option[Int] = None) {
def next(): Option[A] = …
def report(result: B): Boolean = …
def future: Future[List[B]] = …
Listing 1: Dispatcher class.
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The results of the work units are only available after all units have been processed (i.e., after report returns
true). They are made available as a Future[List[B]], which is completed when the last report is received, i.e.,
right before report returns true. The list contains the reports in the order in which they were received (which is
not necessarily the order in which the work units were dispatched).
A dispatcher may issue a large number of work units and may choose to limit the number of units that are
processed concurrently. An optional bound can be passed to the constructor of the class. If present, the bound
places a limit on the number of workers actively processing units in parallel. This is implemented by using a
semaphore. When a bound is present, threads need to acquire a permit from the semaphore to obtain a work unit.
This permit goes back to the semaphore when the report corresponding to the unit is received. When the number
of available permits reaches 0, method next becomes blocking (until a permit is released via method report).
The dispatcher is a passive object (it does not create threads) and is thread-safe: Methods next, report and
future can be called at any time by any thread.
3 Worker classes
class ThreadWork[A, B](workers: Int, work: A => B, dispatcher: Dispatcher[A, B])
(implicit tf: ThreadFactory) {
def start(): Unit = …
Listing 2: ThreadWork class.
A dispatcher can be used to represent a certain amount of work to be done in parallel. One way this work can
be completed is through class ThreadWork (Lis. 2). Instances of this class are created with a dispatcher, a work
function, a desired number of worker threads and a thread factory. Method start creates workers threads using
the factory, starts them and returns immediately. The threads repeatedly call next on the dispatcher to obtain
work units. Each work unit is processed by a worker thread using function work. The output of the function is
reported back to the dispatcher. When all the work units have been processed, the threads terminate. Note that
function work is shared among all worker threads and is assumed to be thread-safe (functions tend to be stateless
and hence thread-safe).
class PoolWork[A, B](work: A => B, dispatcher: Dispatcher[A, B])
(implicit exec: ExecutionContext) {
def start(): Unit = …
Listing 3: PoolWork class.
Class PoolWork (Lis. 3) is an alternative to ThreadWork. Instead of relying on a factory to create new threads,
this class uses existing worker threads from a thread pool. To ensure maximum parallelism, the start method
creates one task per work unit and submits all the tasks to the thread pool. This is made somewhat trickier by
the fact that the total number of units to be produced by a dispatcher is not known and method next can be
blocking if the dispatcher uses a semaphore. It is important that method start return immediately and not block
the calling thread, even if the dispatcher is unable to produce all the tasks right away because of a semaphore. As
a consequence, the thread that calls start cannot call next on the dispatcher directly.
Fig. 1 shows the output of a simple demo program (provided). This run uses a PoolWork with 4 threads to
run 5 jobs. The first 4 jobs, of durations 2, 1, 5 and 3, are picked up by the 4 worker threads at time 17. One
second later, at time 18, pool-1-thread-2 finishes its 1-second job and picks up the last job, of duration 4. All
the workers finish their jobs one by one. The last to finish, at time 22, are pool-1-thread-3 (which started the
5-second job at time 17) and pool-1-thread-2 (which completed the 1-second and 4-second jobs). The results
are returned in the order of completion (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 1, 2, 3, 5, 4). Note that the calls to start on the PoolWork
and to future on the dispatcher take no time and are both completed around time 17.
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> test:runMain Demo 2 1 5 3 4
main at xx:xx:17.305: dispatcher created
main at xx:xx:17.344: workers started
pool-1-thread-1 at xx:xx:17.349: worker gets 2.0
pool-1-thread-2 at xx:xx:17.349: worker gets 1.0
pool-1-thread-4 at xx:xx:17.349: worker gets 3.0
pool-1-thread-3 at xx:xx:17.349: worker gets 5.0
pool-1-thread-2 at xx:xx:18.359: worker gets 4.0
pool-1-thread-2 at xx:xx:22.369: [-1.0, -2.0, -3.0, -5.0, -4.0]
pool-1-thread-2 at xx:xx:22.370: time: 5.018 secs
Figure 1: Sample demo run.
This program can be modified for the purpose of experimentation by changing the number of worker threads
and by using ThreadWork instead of PoolWork.
4 Grep application
Class GrepApp (and its companion object) implements a simple application that searches textual sources in parallel.
The main method is find, which takes as arguments a regular expression and a collection of sources. It creates a
dispatcher that produces all the sources, and processes these sources in parallel using an instance of ThreadWork
or of PoolWork. The find method blocks while the work is ongoing and returns a list of all matches found in the
textual sources, in no particular order.
The class takes a bound parameter that can be used to limit the amount of parallelism:
• If a ThreadWork object is used, it can create bound threads using a simple thread factory. No semaphore is
• If a PoolWork object is used, it will rely on for
its thread pool (the creation of custom thread pools is beyond the scope of this assignment). The number
of threads used in this pool in unknown (and can change dynamically) and may be larger than the specified
bound. Accordingly, the dispatcher in this case should use a semaphore with bound permits
> runMain parallel.GrepApp file:src/test/resources/alice.txt file:src/test/resources/usconst.txt ch.p 4
act shall be selected, and such person shall act accordingly until a President,753)
transmits to them a written declaration to the contrary, such powers and duties,833)
‘It was much pleasanter at home,’ thought poor Alice, ‘when one wasn’t,735)
which produced another dead silence.,851)
‘There’s certainly too much pepper in that soup!’ Alice said to herself,,1304)
‘Talking of axes,’ said the Duchess, ‘chop off her head!’,1354)
she went on, very much pleased at having found out a new kind of,2196)
Just at this moment Alice felt a very curious sensation, which puzzled,2914)
Figure 2: Sample GrepApp run.
Fig. 2 shows a sample run of the command-line application (provided).
1The program is written in such a way that the first two lines are printed by the main thread (main) while the last two are printed
by one of the workers (pool-1-thread-2). This is not important; only the timing values matter here.