Java代写 | ITS63304 Object-Oriented Programming Project

ITS63304 Object-Oriented Programming


Cover Sheet

DUE DATE        : Week 14


SEMESTER       : March 2019


Taylor’s UWE Dual Awards Programmers

August  2018 Semester

ITS63304 Object-Oriented Programming

ITS60804 Introduction to Object Oriented Programming


(3 – 4 Students in a Group)

Weight: 30 %

DUE DATE: Week 14

Project Description

Choose 1 of the theme below and develop an appropriate console application using Java. Your application should have at least 5 features of functions. Listed below are the project themes and suggested project for each theme. You may propose your own system as well under the given theme.


  • Theme1: Green Planet
    1. Recycle management system
    2. Education (Quiz program related to green planet)
    3. Donation / charity management system


  • Theme 2: Smart Inventory
    1. Kitchen Pantry Management System
    2. Retail Management System


  • Theme 3: Smart Education
    1. Student management system
    2. Smart learning system



Submission Requirements


  • A system written in Java (Source code & executable JAR File)
  • Source codes
  • Required libraries (if any)
  • Executable JAR file
  • JavaDoc



  • Project Report (Hardcopy in binding & Softcopy in PDF)
  1. Cover page
  2. Marking Rubric
  3. Assumptions made (if any)
  4. Features of the system
  5. A clear work breakdown structure to describe what each member is contributing
  6. The UML class diagram
  7. Explanation on how each of the concept covered in this module has been applied in the project
  8. Screenshots shots of your program
  9. Testing and verification (concerning the effectiveness of the system implemented.) – Test case with screen shots for all scenarios in your program
  10. References (if any)



  • Project presentation is scheduled on week 13. Each group is given 15 minutes for project presentation. All members of the project MUST participate on the project presentation. Failed to do so, it will direct impact to your group project score.



The following items are to be handed in:


Submission of softcopy version to TIMES

Softcopy version of the project report in PDF, executable JAR file, the source code and required libraries must be uploaded into TiMES 10 minutes before / after your presentation schedule. Failed to do so, 30% will be deducted from your project.


Submission of hardcopy project report to the Lecturer

Hardcopy of the project report must be printed out and handed in on the day of presentation. Please ensure the sequences of contents are adhered formally. Failed to do so, you project presentation will not be marked.