PHP代写 | Final Project – Web Development
Final Project – Web Development
• You must submit a design document along with the website zip file.
• Your design document should include a summary of what your project does
followed by detailed design. You should list and describe each feature of your
project, and include a description of all 3 parts: Client scripting, Server scripting
and Database. Please use illustrations to show the different pages of the web
application and the navigation.
• Your application must have at least 3 pages and a nicely-designed navigation
• The client must use JavaScript and jQuery
• You must design a database to support your web application, either MySQL or
• You must have a form with required fields and error checking.
• Your PHP code must take information from the user, and update the MySQL
database, as well get information from the database and display it on the
website. If MEAN stack, please select the corresponding technologies).
• You must at least add a record to the database, delete a record and optionally
modify a record.
• Must not include work copied from elsewhere on the Internet
• You must thoroughly comment your code, crediting any research resources for
solving particular programming issues.
• Include a export of your database along with a screen shot of the phpMyAdmin
displaying the database (or correspondingly MongoDB Compass).
• Include instructions on what your project does, how to use it showing all its
features, and then show some of the code challenges and how you solved them.
• Please also include a video (7-10 minutes) of you presenting your final project.
Please describe all three parts: Client, Webserver and the glue, the Database and
what the project does. Also include a couple of sections of code that were
challenging to you.
Final Project Grading
1. Using JavaScript, jquery, php and mySQL
2. Well commented Code
3. MySQL or MongoDB Compass snapshot -export
4. Instructions on what the project does
5. User-friendly UI and navigation
6. Features for client-side scripting – user friendly, nice navigation, table, forms,
tooltips, responsive design
7. Features for server-side scripting: add, delete, update database, error checking to
connect to database
8. Design Document
9. File management organization
10.Presentation quality