Project代写|COM00195M Professional & Academic Development (PRAD)



You are a researcher, employed by a UK research institution (academic or industrial) who wishes to bid for funding for a new project or product. You should provide a draft of a research project and an accompanying short video presentation describing the project.

Notice: You need to declare in the report if you are selecting to design a research project and short video oriented towards academic or industrial research.


Task 1. Project Proposal – main body [60 marks]

Produce a draft description of a research project for your chosen topic and include the following elements

I. A short abstract, an introduction & motivation, literature review for the research topic, specifying if you are writing a project targeting academic or industrial research.

Abstract (no more than 100 words) – succinct summary of the proposal that should try to include motivation and main research question, proposed approach, and how this will make a research contribution and create social, cultural, and economic impact. This should be written for a lay audience and as such avoid technical jargon.

Introduction & Motivation: provide background for the research. What is the problem you are trying to solve? Why is it relevant? Explain how the research you propose advances human understanding and has the potential to influence the economy, society or culture. Identify the main beneficiaries of your proposed research (such as particular kinds of companies, policy-makers, people working in education or health, or the like) and how they would benefit from the proposed line of research.

Literature review: Show how your proposed research fits into the body of existing literature. What is the current state of the art and what are the limitations of the current research? What are the results that have been useful in developing your research and why? What are the gaps in knowledge that are interesting to fill, and why?

  1. Research questions.

    Using your literature review, design research questions and hypotheses that form the basis of your research proposal. This may be one central question split into 2 or 3 sub questions or a number of distinct research questions

  2. Research methods.

    Which approach and tools will you use to answer the research questions proposed in the previous section? What are the core steps in your project and what work will be carried out in each step? How will the outputs from each step be linked? How will research be evaluated and the finding communicated to the community?

  3. Project plan.

    Explain how the project will be delivered and the resources that will be required. You should include a suitable visual chart, showing how you will structure the work outlined in the previous sections and any task interdependencies. Include a Risk Register to demonstrate your understanding of the challenges facing a research proposal of this type. Include a concise costing plan which justifies the total amount requested for the proposal.

  4. Personal reflection .

    Identify and describe, in a short paragraph (200 words maximum) personal development opportunities and training needs that may be necessary for you and the team to successfully complete the tasks of the project.

  5. References.
    List all your references (no limit on the number), using IEEE referencing style as

    indicated at the following University link

Important Notice: Sections Sections I-V of your proposal should be no longer than 1,200 words translating into roughly three pages. The Bibliography section (section VI) will not be part of the world count. The word-count will not include graphs and tables that may be added in Appendices, but they cannot be used to expand the word count indirectly.

Task 2. Video presentation 3 minutes with slides for a potential promotional presentation aimed at

an audience which is composed of non-specialists who are interested in technology and innovation. For example, this is the kind of audience one might expect for a TED talk.[40 marks]

You are requested to present a very short outline of the project you are developing (research portfolio). The talk should include/touch the following sections/arguments

  • ●  Proposed project main idea, approach and timeline used
  • ●  Expected results
  • ●  Importance and relevance of the expected results

    Length: 3 minutes maximum.

    Mark allocation – for guidance only.

    Task 1 – Project. Total marks 60.
    Abstract, introduction & motivation, Literature Review ; (15 marks) Research Questions; (8 marks)
    Research methods; (15 marks)
    Project plan and reflection; (15 marks)
    Referencing and clarity (proper use of language, diagrams etc). (7 marks)

    Task 2 – Presentation. Total marks 40.
    Presentation content: 10; – To what extent is the presentation content coherent, clear and well structured?
    Appropriate for the target audience: 10; – To what extent is the level and approach suitable for the target audience?
    Content is memorable: 10; – To what extent does the presentation make use of the 6 principles of memorable communication taught in the module
    Visual design: 10 – To what extent does the presentation make use of the 4 principles of visual design taught in the module?