Python代写 | ICS3U1 Python Graphics and Selection Assignment

Python GUI 图形代写,实现窗户、房屋等图形界面的编写。

Please be sure to fully comment and test your code prior to submitting your work. 

1. Thinking

Here’s your chance to be creative and flex your artistic abilities while displaying your understanding of pygame.

Use a screen size of 1000 by 700.

Level 2: Draw a house with a window, roof and door.

Level 3: Draw a detailed house with a background.

Level 4: Draw a detailed house with a detailed background and Halloween items in the background (e.g. pumpkins, ghosts, etc).  Make          use of functions and parameters to make code less repetitive.

Level 4+: Use the computer to randomly generate the location of these background items.   You will need to learn how to do random              numbers on your own.

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2. Application

Given the equations of two lines ( and ),

Level 2:  Determine if the two lines are parallel, the same or intersect.  For this level, the user can enter the slopes and y-intercepts separately.

Level 3:  Complete level 2 and if they intersect, calculate and output the point of intersection.

Level 3+:  Output the point of intersection in the form (x, y).

Level 4-:  Complete level 3 and if they intersect, also state the quadrant that the point of intersection is in.  If the point is (0, 0), output instead that it is at the origin.  If the point is on the x-axis or the y-axis, output that information instead of the quadrant.

Level 4:  Allow the user to enter the equation of the line in the slope-intercept form (y=mx+b where m and b are floats or x = a)

Level 4+:  You will want to consider handling typical ways lines are written in math such as

y = x (not showing the b when it is 0).

Your program should include some error handling (i.e. handling invalid input with a clear error message).

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