Web程序开发代写|4210 COMP SCI X 0019 Web Application Group Project Specification
Software Requirements
- The web application must be developed in and run in the VSCode for CS50 IDE.
- You should also make regular backups/downloads of your work.
- You are encouraged to setup a dedicated GitHub and CS50 account for groupwork with shared access to all group members to avoid accidentally sharing your personal work.
- You must get explicit permission from the course coordinator if you want to use a different environment.
- The web application must use NodeJS, Express, and AJAX .
- The database must be a SQL database.
- Your markup/code must pass W3C Validation and ESLint linting.
- You may use other libraries/frameworks not addressed in this course, however:
- Remember that you’re working in a group; all group members are expected to have contributed to and understand the work developed.
- Your implementation must still demonstrate your understanding of the concepts taught in this course.
- We may be unable to mark work that deviates too much from the course content.
Group Requirements
- This assignment must be worked on in groups of 4.
- Groups must be formed before the mid-semester break (end of Week 6).
- You must register your group in MyUni.
- You may form a group with any other students in this course, but it will be easier to organise your group if they are in the same workshop as you.
- Postgraduate Students (enrolled in COMP SCI 7207) will be assigned groups.
- See “Forming A Group” below for details/advice on forming groups.
Feature Requirements
- You must implement a social event planning system.
- Your system should contain features as described in the “Feature Details” section below.
- Postgraduate Students will need to implement an additional feature as specified.
Service Scope
.Net|Hadoop|Processing|JS|Ruby|Scala|Rust|Data Mining|数据库|Oracle|Mysql|
Sqlite|IOS|Data Mining|网络编程|多线程编程|Linux编程|操作系统|