大数据代写|Part 2: Short answer questions

这是一篇关于Android APP代写的作业案例,本次Project分为两个阶段,第一阶段完成demo设计,第二阶段完成所有内容。


要求使用Android Studio进行开发,后台使用PHP+Apache+Mysql。

This mini-project requires you to put into practice the application design concepts that you have learned over the duration of this module. Specifically, you will need to construct an application for Android smartphone. You need to demonstrate the workability of your application on emulator or actual device. You may propose any application title that complies with the theme for the semester.

Project Theme

The project theme for this semester is “My Smart City : Connecting Our Senses”.


A Smart Nation is one where people are empowered by technology to lead meaningful and fulfilled lives. Through harnessing the power of networks, data and info-comm technologies, we seek to improve living, create economic opportunity and build a closer community. Singapore strives to become a Smart Nation to support better living, stronger communities, and create more opportunities, for all.

The Smart Nation and Digital Government Office in the Prime Minister’s Office, supported by other government agencies, coordinate the Smart Nation initiative. The team has identified 5 key domains that will have a significant impact on the citizen and society and they are:
1. Transport
2. Home & Environment
3. Business Productivity
4. Health and enabled ageing
5. Public Sector Services

Using the information from various sources, brain storm and develop a smartphone app that can bring convenience to the Singapore Citizen / Society on a daily basis. Some useful data sources are as followed. You are allowed to use / create any other possible data sources that will help to meet the intended objectives of the app.

Minimum Project Requirement

1. PROFILE. When the application is launched for the first time, the application should capture user’s particulars and send to server to be stored. On the subsequent time that the application is started, the application will just display the greeting to user. Menu item should be provided to allow user to change his profile.
2. LOCATION SERVICE. Using MapKit Framework to make use of live data to provide location services.
3. ABOUT. The application should display brief description about the application, company, contact information and its developer. It should provide the link to call company directly and email feedback to company.
4. The navigation of user interface should conform to Android mobile standards which should be intuitive and mobile user friendly.

Project Criteria

1. This is an individual project. If you are caught plagiarising (copying other people’s work), your score will be zero.
2. The application must fulfil the following criteria in addition to your design. It must be tested to work on emulator or device.
Graphics used must be original.
All errors have to be resolved.