数据库代写|ITEC 2000 Assignment 5
本次加拿大作业案例是一个数据库代写相关的ITEC 2000 assignment 5
This assignment is a “backup” in case you missed an earlier assignment or got a low grade A5 is also designed to prepare you for the exam (so even if you don’t submit it, it is good practice)
You will work through all parts of the course in a single assignment covering exam-appropriate questions like ER diagrams and php programming.
The assignment consists of 2 parts:
1. Design a database schema based on a given single Excel file.
◦ ER Design
◦ Relational Design
◦ Normalization
2. When part 1 is complete (and only then) you will make a web page that reproduces the original Excel table
◦ Bonus Task: providing functionality to “drill into” the table to see extra details.
Task 1: Database Schema
Here is a spreadsheet of the music I added to my library after joining Google Play Music / YouTube.
◦ Here is the spreadsheet:
◦ Please don’t judge my taste in music too harshly. It used to be a source of pride but kids meant I no longer listen to new music ? It also means the music genres change radically (including a Sharron, Lois and Bram album for when my kids were young).
◦ The music genres were manually added later so don’t get too upset if the genres seem wrong.
◦ Album names happen to be unique, different artists can be on the same album and some artists have multiple albums in the dataset.
◦ Music genre is an attribute of the album rather than the artist or song….that may not be true. I did that for the assignment.
◦ I strongly recommend primary key numbers for most data types rather than using a string as a primary key (spelling mistakes are too easy).