数据库代写 | CPS 430-542 Project 2021





Purpose:  To apply the design and implementation concepts learned in class to a real world problem, with a resultant relational database in Oracle (or talk with me if you want to use another DB) that accurately and sufficiently models a specific enterprise.




  1. You are to divide up into teams of 5 virtual members apiece. Please practice social distancing and work on this project as a virtual team (no gatherings please!).  If you are uncomfortable being on a virtaul team, you are welcome to do this project individually and I will take that into account in terms of the project scope. Please assign one member as “captain” of your team and have them send me an email with your team virtual members. Again, please work on this virtually and not face-to-face!


  1. Choose an application (real world problem) that has the following as a minimum: 6 entities (1 weak); 5 relationships (1 many-to-many); 1 composite attribute; 1 derived attribute.  In other words, the application should be robust enough in order to make the project a more complete learning experience.  If you need to deviate from the minimum requirements, talk with me ahead of time.


  1. Design the database using the Entity-Relationship diagram. Follow all of the guidelines discussed in class when generating the E-R diagram.


  1. Transform your design into relational database schema. Ensure that everything that can be represented in your database is represented.  Note those items that can not be represented.


  1. Take the resulting database schema and refine it to achieve a “good” set of database schema.


  1. Populate the database. Use whatever sample values you wish to choose.  There should be at least 20 tuples for each relation in the database (enough to make it interesting to query).


  1. Compose 10 meaningful queries to demonstrate that data can be retrieved adequately and accurately.


  1. (extra credit) Construct a web based interface to your database. The web interface should allow for data to be entered into as well as displayed from your database.  Be as creative as you desire.


  1. Upload a video presentation to YouTube and send me the link. Your video should discuss all aspects of your project and should be no longer than 20 minutes in length.



The deliverable from the project will be a final report in electronic form.  Your final report must include the following sections:


  • Application Description: a full description of the application.


  • Conceptual Model: an Entity-Relationship diagram showing the design of your database. Any special considerations and assumptions should also be included.


  • Initial Database Schema: a list of the database schema that resulted from transforming the E-R diagram


  • Final Database Schema: your set of database schema after performing relational synthesis algorithm(s). Discuss how all 4 properties of good database design hold.  Show/discuss any normalization etc. that takes place.


  • Database Instance: a listing of the data contained in your database.


  • Data Manipulation: a listing of 10 example queries as well as the results (data retrieved).


  • Web interface: show examples of displays and any code you used to generate those displays.


  • Observations: discuss how the project progressed and what you learned by doing it. Did anything unexpected happen?  Was there anything you learned that was not an explicit part of the course?  How did you like using the particular database product you chose?  Be as creative as you like in this section.