数据库代写 | MITS5502 Developing Enterprise Systems Project


Developing Enterprise Systems

Project Tasks & Deliverables
1. Project Proposal – Due in week 4
The project proposal needs to be submitted in week 4 along with the details of the group
members involved in it. The project proposal should contain a B2C (Business to Consumer)
online store company/organization name with details of the goods to be sold by it. The
student must provide clear indication of the organization and the online good(s) with their
categories (if any) they propose to work on in the proposal.
2. Database Design – Due in week 7
You will be designing an efficient and useful database design to store the information needed
for the proposed system.
A well-structure database:
1. List all the entities with their attributes including the datatype to store the information
for the given system. The nonduplicate entities gets converted into table with attributes
as fields within the given database.
2. Identify the attribute(s) that will serve as a primary/foreign key for each table.
Attributes chosen as primary key should be unique, unchanging and never defined as

3. Create relationships between the given tables. Each defined entity has a relationship
with every other one (one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-many, mandatory etc.)
3. Project code with report – Due in week 12
The integrated code using MVC architecture including all the JSPs, servlets and Java beans
in the project needs to be submitted in week 12. The code is accepted after demonstration
to the lecturer. A report describing objective, organization with the product details,
database model and screenshots of the online system should be documented.
The the overall project component is 40% weightage for the unit and individual
deliverables with the description, due week and weightage is defined in the table below.
The weightage in the table is relative to the project component only.
Deliverables Description Due week
The proposal is a document to be uploaded on Moodle that
contains the B2C company, products with project details of
your choice to work on. The group details need to be included
in the document and submitted in LMS.
Week 4
Database and
UI design
User interface of the project using HTML/CSS/JSP needs to be
demonstrated and documented. Database model with the
demonstration in MySQL to the lecturer. The database and UI
design need to be submitted in LMS.
Week 7
Project Code
with report
The J2EE project including the required functionalities needs
to be demonstrated to the lecturer. The project code with the
report needs to be submitted in LMS.
Week 12
Important Note: All the components that include database connectivity needs to be
implemented using JDBC and JPA. However, implementation of both the techniques in a
single module is not mandatory in the project. This means the student may choose to
implement JDBC/JPA in a module. But at least one instance of both is necessary.