机器学习代写 | CS 668 Analytics Capstone Project
The purpose of the Analytics Capstone Project is for students to apply the knowledge and skills acquired during their master’s program to a project involving actual data in a real world setting. During the project, students will apply the entire data science process from identifying a problem or opportunity, and collecting and processing actual data to applying suitable and appropriate analytic methods to find a solution. Both the problem statement for the project and the datasets will come from real-world domains similar to those that students might typically encounter within industry, government, or academic research. The course will culminate with each student making a presentation of his or her work, and submitting a final paper, and, if applicable, a computer application. This course requires a great deal of self-directed work and the ability to manage time and meet deadlines.
Learning outcomes:
After taking this course, students should be able to:
- Demonstrate an ability to handle a problem in data science from the point of problem definition through delivery of a solution
- Demonstrate proficiency in collecting and processing real-world data, in designing the best methods to solve the problem, in implementing a solution, and quantifying the robustness and accuracy of their model
- Demonstrate competence in project design and planning by drafting a proposal on how to approach the problem
- Demonstrate competence in one or more programming languages or tools needed to conduct data analysis
- Read and critique various published articles on relevant topics
- Write and submit a final report on their project for evaluation. The report will be structured as a typical research paper, and hence will include three main sections:
- Motivation, problem definition, and existing approaches
- Proposed solution and details of implementation
- Results, conclusion, and directions for future work
Your project must adhere to the following:
- In-class presentation
Presentation is well organized and includes introduction, methods, results, and conclusions. Describes the question, the analysis, and the findings clearly. Visuals are clear and organized.
- Analytical quality
Analytical methods used for the analysis are appropriate and the student demonstrates a thorough understanding of the methodologies. Alternative approaches offered and challenged. If applicable, possible future research identified.
- Final paper / poster
Paper is well organized: Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results, Conclusion. Research question is well articulated, and sufficient background material is provided to add context to the research. Applies good writing style with grammatically correct structure. Makes effective use of graphs, tables, and text.