算法代写|COMP 3804 Assignment 2


Question 2: You are given a sequence S of n numbers. An element x in S is called a
majority element if it occurs more than n=2 times in S.

This question asks you to describe two algorithms that decide if the sequence S contains
a majority element; if it does, the algorithm returns it; otherwise, the algorithm returns the
message \there is no majority element”.

You are highly encouraged to use any algorithm and any result that was discussed in
class. In other words, try to make your algorithms as short as possible by using algorithms
discussed in class as \black boxes”.

(2.1) How many majority elements can there be? Justify your answer.

(2.2) Show how the majority problem can be solved in O(n log n) time. Argue why your
algorithm is correct and why the running time is O(n log n).

(2.3) Show how the majority problem can be solved in O(n) time. Argue why your algorithm
is correct and why the running time is O(n).

Question 3: Some textbooks contain statements of the form \The running time of algorithm
A is at least O(n2)”. Explain why such a statement does not make sense.

Question 4: You are given k lists, each one containing a sorted sequence of numbers. Let
n denote the total number of elements in all these lists. Give an O(n log k){time algorithm
that merges these k lists into one sorted list. Explain why the running time of your algorithm
is O(n log k).

Hint: Use a min-heap. If k = 2, this problem should look familiar to you.

Question 5: You are given a min-heap A[1 : : : n] on n elements and an integer k with
1 ≤ k ≤ n. Give an algorithm that computes the k smallest elements in A in sorted order.

The running time of your algorithm must be O(k log k). Explain why your algorithm is
correct and why its running time is O(k log k).

Hint: It is easy to get an O(k log n){time algorithm. In a min-heap, the root of any
subtree contains the minimum of all elements in that subtree. You may think of forming a
min-heap consisting of O(k) elements using the elements of the given heap A of n elements.

As always, you may use any algorithm that was discussed in class.

Question 6: Let G = (V; E) be an undirected graph, which is given to you in the adjacency
list format. Recall that degree(u) denotes the degree of vertex u. Let twodegree(u) be the
sum of the degrees of u’s neighbors, i.e.,

twodegree(u) = X

Describe an algorithm that computes twodegree(u) for all vertices u, in O(jV j + jEj) total
time. Justify your answer.

Question 7: Let G = (V; E) be a directed acyclic graph. In class, we have seen the following
algorithm for topologically sorting the vertices of G:

• Set k = 1.
• While the graph is non-empty:

{ Find a vertex v of indegree zero.
{ Assign the number k to v.
{ Remove v from the graph.
{ Increase k by one.

Show how this algorithm can be implemented such that its running time is O(jV j + jEj).