计算机代写|COMP1600/COMP6260: Supp and DA (exam II)
1 New Connective (1) (Supp)
Define the connective ˛ via the following truth table:
p q p ˛ q
For each of the formulae in (1) to (3) below, select:
- ‘tautology’, if the formula is a tautology,
- ‘contradiction’ , if the formula is a contradiction, or
- a situation in which the formula evaluates to False, if it’s a contingency.
There might be more than one true answer. You need to select only one of them.
- pp ˛ qq ˛ p. Options
- Tautology.
- Contradiction.
- Contigency, and evaluates to F for p “ F and q “ T.
- Contigency, and evaluates to F for p “ T and q “ F.
- Contigency, and evaluates to F for p “ T and q “ T.
- pp Ñ qq ˛ p␣q ^ pq. Options
- Tautology.
- Contradiction.
- Contigency, and evaluates to F for p “ F and q “ T.
- Contigency, and evaluates to F for p “ T and q “ F.
- Contigency, and evaluates to F for p “ T and q “ T.
- pp ˛ qq Ñ q. Options
- Tautology.
- Contradiction.
- Contigency, and evaluates to F for p “ F and q “ F.
- Contigency, and evaluates to F for p “ F and q “ T.
- Contigency, and evaluates to F for p “ T and q “ T.
2 New Connective (2) (Supp)
Define the connective ˛ (same as the previous questions) via the following truth table:
p q p ˛ q
Show that the set t˛u is expressively complete.
3 Propositional logic+ND (Supp)
Determine, and explicitly mention, if the formula below is a tautology, contradiction, or contingency␣pp _ p␣p _ qqq.
- If tautology, give a proof in Natural Deduction. Use only the rules given in this appendix (14 and justify every step of your proof;
- If contradiction, give a proof in Natural Deduction of its negation (i.e. of the formula prefixed with a negation symbol). Use only the rules given in this appendix and justify every step of your proof;
- If contingency, give two truth-assignments to its variables, one that makes the formula false, and one that makes it true.
4 FOL+ND (Supp)
Show that the rule
Dx.@y.Ppx, yq
␣@x.Dy.␣Ppx, yq
is derivable in natural deduction.
Use only the rules given in this Appendix 14 and justify every step of your proof.
5 Structural Induction (Supp)
Consider the definition of binary trees in the lectures
data Tree a = Nul | Node (Tree a) a (Tree a)
and the following two functions:
sum :: Tree Int -> Int
sum Null = 0 — S1
sum Node l _ r = 1 + sum l + sum r — S2
treeCat :: Tree Int -> Tree Int -> Tree Int
treeCat Null t = t — TC1
treeCat (Node l x r) t = Node l x (treeCat r t) — TC2
The goal of this exercise is to show that for all t1,t2 of type Tree Int
sum (treeCat t1 t2) = sum t1 + sum t2.
Answer each of the following questions either in the textbox below, or by uploading a single jpg, png or pdf file that contains answers to all questions below.
- What precisely should we prove by induction? State a property P, including possible quantifiers, so that proving @t.Pptq by induction implies the (above) goal of this exercise.
- State (including possible quantifiers) and prove the base case goal.
- State (including possible quantifiers) the inductive hypotheses of the proof.
- State (including possible quantifiers) and prove the step case goal.
- Pptq “ @ t1 sum ptreeCat t t1q “ sumt ` sumt1.
- Base case :
PpNullq “ @ t1 sum ptreeCat Null t1q “ sumNull ` sumt1.
Proof : for some tree t1
LHS “ sumptreeCat Null T1q
“ sumpt1q ´ ´ ´ T1
“ 0 ` sumpt1q ´ ´ ´ math
“ sumpNulq ` sumpt1q ´ ´S1
- We assume that for arbitrary trees t1 and t2
Pplq “ @ t1 sum ptreeCat l t1q “ sumplq ` sumpt1q ´ ´ ´ IH1
Pprq “ @ t1 sum ptreeCat r t1q “ sumprq ` sumpt1q ´ ´ ´ IH2
- T.P.T.
@x @t1 sum ptreeCat pNode l x rq t1q “ sumpNode l x rq ` sumt1 that is @x PpNode l x rq
Proof: for some x and t1 we prove the following
LHS “ sum ptreeCat pNode l x rq t1q
“ sum pl x ptreeCat r t1qq ´ ´ ´ T C2
“ 1 ` sumplq ` sumptreeCat r t1q ´ ´ ´ S2
“ 1 ` sumplq ` sumprq ` sumpt1q ´ ´ ´ IH2
“ sumpl x rq ` sumpt1q ´ ´ ´ S2
6 Hoare Logic (Supp+DA)
Consider the Hoare logic program
ty ą“ 1 ^ x “ 0u
while px 2 ă yq do
x :“ x ` 1
tpx ´ 1q 2 ď y ^ y ď x 2 u