云计算代写 | Automation And DevOps Tools Homework Exercise

本次美国代写主要为云计算虚拟机相关的homework exercise

The purpose of this Homework exercise is to introduce you to the use of automation and
DevOps tools. So far, you have learned how to provision virtual machines to host applications
in the cloud. Automation tools allow you to develop a standard configuration that can be
applied to machines when they are created, making it easy to stamp out new instances of a
cluster easily or to make a VM operational quickly after it has been destroyed. While there are
many automation tools available for different use cases, this exercise will focus on the
development of an Ansible Playbook.

What is Ansible :
Ansible is an open-source software provisioning, configuration management, and application-
deployment tool that runs on Linux. Ansible includes its own declarative language and uses
playbooks that create the environment for running simple or incredibly complex commands
(or groups of commands) on a remote machine.

Goal :
In the previous homework, we learned on how to spin a MongoDB cluster in Docker
containers and semi-automate it with a Dockerfile. In this homework, we are going to build
on top of that and use an ansible playbook to configure 3 VMs (on your laptop or AWS) or
Docker containers (which might be the easiest) as MongoDB cluster (one primary and two
secondaries). gives the v Your playbook should be written in a way such that it uses
group_vars and templates to avoid using hard-coded variables in configuration files.

Sample Install Ansible Package :
If you don’t already have Ansible running on one of your servers, follow these steps to install
1. Log into the Ubuntu Server that will host Ansible
2. Install the necessary repository with the command sudo apt-add-repository
3. Update apt with the command sudo apt-get update.
4. Install Ansible with the command sudo apt-get install ansible -y.
5. If necessary, install a Python interpreter with the command sudo apt-get install python -y.

Deliverable :
A zip file of an Ansible Playbook. The playbook must contain a README with your team
member names and instructions on how to run the playbook. The playbook must:
• Must be written for Ansible 2.5 or newer
• Have an inventory with two groups, the primary and secondary groups
• Have a common role that applies to all nodes.
• Have separate roles for the master and secondary nodes.
• Use variables in group_vars and templates to create generic playbooks. You must have
variables for at least 2 different secondary nodes.
• Be successful in a single run against a fresh VM
Instructions :
Read the Ansible guide around creating a playbook:
Use the grading rubric below for suggestions on the order of tasks to complete to be most
Grading Rubric :
You will be graded on your playbook’s ability to complete the following tasks.