数据库代写|Comp2411 Database Systems Homework Assignment




The abstract of your final report is an executive summary of your project. An abstract is a standalone document and therefore, it should not include any citation.

  • Communicate contents of reports
  • Include purpose, methods, scope, results, conclusions, and recommendations
  • Highlight essential points
  • Allow readers to decide whether they want to read the report.
  1. Introduction

This chapter generally includes the following sections:

This chapter generally includes the following sections:

  • Background
  • Project Goal and benefits of this project
  • Relevance and Significance
  • Assumptions and Limitations
  • Definition of Terms

2.0 Database Design requirements (Copy from the Group Project Proposal and expanded in details with truly performed business functions)

2.1 Data Requirements

2.1.1. Conceptual Model (ER Model / Data Model)

2.1.2 Logical Data Model (Normalized Data model)

2.2 Business and Functional Requirements

Business Functions (Function name description, process inputs / outputs Flow

List all business functions where the project performs by business functions.

2.2.1. Business Function One, name and its description, inputs, process and outputs

2.2.2. Business Function Two, name and its description etc.,

2.2.3. Business Function Three etc.,

3.0. Methodology

The following topics are intended to serve as a guide:

This section, you may include the following items;1. Database and tables creation DDLs.

  1. Project methods, tools and techniques.
  2. System requirements: Hardware and software requirements and system architecture, programming languages being used.

4.0 Results and Discussion

(Focus on the outputs screen and their usages based on the functions-

Listed all output screens or report by business functions with description of

their usages)

This chapter includes an objective description and analysis of the application results (outputs screens and reports). Limit the use of charts, tables, and figures to those that are needed to support the narrative. Full reports can be included as part of the appendices.

The following topics are intended to serve as a guide:

Functional process screens.

Fully explained query Reports.

Summary of screen results or reports and explained in details..

5.0 Conclusion.

In this chapter, interpret, examine, and qualify the results of the investigation and draw inferences from them.

The following topics are intended to serve as a guide:

– Significance of this project

– What have you learned from this project?

– Suggest any improvements for the future design.

– The potential can be used for other applications, where applicable


To show your project originality, Programs source codes must be documented here

(Not Program libraries, software tools), test results and reports. Installation procedures and user guides etc., must be