Java代写 | CSDS 293 Software Craftsmanship Programming Assignment 7
Supplementary Assessment tasks – Individual submission in Moodle
Due date: | 7th August 2019 11:59 pm AEST |
Weighting: Length: | 50% (or 50 marks)
There is no word limit for this report |
This assessment item relates to the unit learning outcomes as stated in the unit profile.
Enabling objectives
- Analyse a case study and identify issues associated with the business;
- Develop and deploy the application in IBM Bluemix;
- Evaluate existing and new functionalities to address business problems;
- Prepare a document to report your activities using text and multimedia (for example screenshots, videos).
General Information
The purpose of this assignment is to create a cloud based simulating environment which will help to identify/understand the problem stated in the given case study using analysis tools available in IBM Bluemix. In assignment three, you are working individually. By doing this assignment, you will learn to use skills and knowledge of emerging technologies like cloud computing, IoT, to simulate a business scenario to capture operational data and share with a visualization tool. You will acquire a good understanding of smart application design in a cloud environment for efficient application configuration and deployment.
Helpful resources to understand phone’s sensor:
What do you need to do?
The assignment requires you to do the following –
- Choose a case study out of given two below and analyse the case study to understand the business problem and required tasks assigned to you to address the problem.
- Design and develop smart application to execute all required tasks given in your chosen case study.
- Finally prepare a report according to given format and specifications below and submit it in Moodle.
Report format and specifications –
You are required to submit a written report in a single Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) document. There is no word limit but any unnecessary information included in the report may result in reduced marks.
The report must contain the following content (feel free to define your own sections, as long as you include all the required content):
- Cover page/title page and Table of contents
- URL of the IBM Watson IoT Platform and NODERED applications
- Login details of the IBM Bluemix account
- Introduction
- Case study analysis which will report –
- Identify four business improvements that can be addressed by your extended modules.
- Were the collected sensor’s data effective to develop required tasks in the extended modules? Why or why not?
- Suggest collection of five new sensor data elements (other than data already collected) which could be helpful to develop extended modules better.
- The step by step process you have followed to configure and deploy the application. You may choose to use screenshots and notes to enrich your report but you must have a video of the process.
- Video link of you working while deploying and configuring
- Difficulties you faced –
- What are the difficulties you have faced during the process of app deployment and data collection?
- How did you address those difficulties?
- How is the application development and management in cloud different than traditional application management?
- Conclusion
- References
Plagiarism Checking Information
It is VERY important that you do not copy content directly from either the text or Internet resources: this assignment is to be in your own words. You will lose marks if you do not use your own words! Actual plagiarism will result in the instigation of the student misconduct process.
On uploading your assignment for the first time you will be able to immediately see your similarity score. However, a 24 hour delay exists for the release of similarity scores for the submission of successive items (drafts).
To be clear, the delay will not apply to your first draft which will receive a Turnitin similarity score as soon as possible. This mandatory delay was implemented by Turnitin to minimise misuse of the similarity-checking service by students who were simply modifying their submissions to avoid match detection and without citing sources appropriately.
Choose a Business Case only for the assignment
Business Case One:
Detect excessive shock using phone’s sensor data
AB Pty. Ltd is a smart application development organization in which you are a member of a PaaS based smart application development team. Currently, you are working to a project to develop a smart application to detect excessive shock based on accelerometer and orientation data of the phone’s sensor. You have already worked on an application in your week 9 activities to collect phone sensors data in IBM Cloudant using Watson IoT Platform and created visualizations. Now, you are assigned to develop extended modules to detect excessive shock using accelerometer and orientation data collected from the phone’s sensors. As per the customer’s requirement, you need to design to design and develop the followings.
1) An IBM NODERED system to –
- identify and display shock using phone’s sensor data and display a message in debug if there is a shock event,
- post a Twitter alert using your twitter account when the shock is detected,
- display shocks over time using a line graph/chart,
- store excessive shock events in IBM Cloudant database using NODERED flow and
- identify the orientation (upright to a horizontal position only) of the phone to display in debug pane.
2) An IBM Watson IoT Platform dashboard system to
- Create rules to send an email alert when email orientation change is detected
Business Case Two:
Detect excessive shock using phone’s sensor data
AB Pty. Ltd is a smart application development organization in which you are a member of a PaaS based smart application development team. Currently, you are working to a project to develop a smart application to detect excessive shock based on accelerometer and orientation data of the phone’s sensor. You have already worked on an application in your week 11 activities to collect phone sensors data in IBM Cloudant using Watson IoT Platform and created visualizations. Now, you are assigned to develop extended modules to detect excessive shock using accelerometer and orientation data collected from the phone’s sensors. As per the customer’s requirement, you need to design to design and develop the followings.
1) An IBM NODERED system to –
- identify and display shock using phone’s sensor data and display a message in debug if there is a shock event,
- post a Twitter alert using your twitter account when the shock is detected,
- display shocks over time using a line graph/chart,
- store excessive shock events in IBM Cloudant database using NODERED flow and
- in NODERED, identify the location of the phone using phone’s location information
2) An IBM Watson IoT Platform dashboard system to
- Create rules to send an email alert when shock is detected
Business Case Three:
Controlling speed of the conveyor belt
AB Pty. Ltd is a smart application development organization in which you are a member of a PaaS based smart application development team. Currently, you are working on a project to develop a smart application to remotely monitor and control the speed of a conveyor belt. You have already created a simulated application in your week 10 exercise to monitor activities of the conveyor belt and collect sensors data in Watson IoT Platform and created visualizations. Now, you are assigned to develop extended modules to remotely change the speed of the conveyor belt to adjust with the packaging speed of a particular product. As per the customer’s requirement, you need to design and develop the followings –
- An IBM NODERED application to
- calculate the time of operation between each stop and start,
- store speed change, start and stop events in IBM Cloudant database,
- change the speed of the conveyor belt remotely using NODERED application
- post a Twitter alert using your twitter account when the best reach over a set speed limit (Choose your own speed limit)
2) An IBM Watson IoT Platform dashboard system to
- Create rules to send an email alert when conveyor belt stop operation or speed change is detected
Follow instructions to create rules in IBM Watson IoT platform:
Marking guide:
Student number:
Marker / Date:
Sections |
Marks |
Comments |
The report quality –
· Is the report easy to follow? Did it address all the key information required for the report? · Is it prepared using formal report writing style such as table of content, page numbers, appropriate referencing (if any), cover page, introduction, conclusion, referencing and so on. · Did it specifically address all the guidelines provided by the ‘Report format and specifications’ section. |
/3 (1 for each bullet point) | |
Case study analysis which will report –
· Identify four business improvements that can be addressed by your extended modules. · Were the collected sensor’s data effective to develop required tasks in the extended modules? Why or why not? · Suggest collection of five new sensor data elements (other than data already collected) which could be helpful to develop extended modules better.
/6 (2 for each bullet point) | |
Working application –
· Working URL of the IBM Watson IoT Platform and NODERED applications ( 5 marks) · Working application, IBM Watson IoT Platform and NODERED applications ( 15 marks) · Functionality of the application as per required and stated in the report ( 10 marks) |
/30 marks | |
The step by step process –
· Video link of your working while deploying |
/6 marks | |
Application Management –
· Understanding the management of the application and services based on Usage (available data limits) · Understanding the management of the application and services based on used pricing plan
/2 (1 mark for each bullet point) | |
Difficulties you faced –
· What are the difficulties you have faced during the process of app deployment and data collection? · How did you address those difficulties? · How is the application development and management in cloud different than traditional application management?
/3( 1 mark for each bullet points) | |
Total Marks: | /50 |